

单词 walk
释义 walk/wɔ:k/ v. & n.v. 1 intr.a (of a person or other biped) progress by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once (人或其他两足动物)走,行走 b progress with similar movements (类似的)行进,移动 walked on his hands 他用手倒立行走。 c go with the gait usual except when speed is desired 散步,漫步 d (of a quadruped) go with the slowest gait, always having at least two feet on the ground at once (指四足动物)慢步走 2 intr.a travel or go on foot 步行,散步 b take exercise in this way (为锻炼)步行,散步 walks for two hours each day 每天散步两小时 3 tr. perambulate, traverse on foot at walking speed, tread the floor or surface of 步测;徒步检查 4 tr.a cause to walk with one 使…与之同行 b accompany in walking 陪…走 c ride or lead (a horse, dog, etc.) at walking pace (骑着马或牵着狗等)走,遛 d take charge of (a puppy) at walk (see sense 4 of n. 见名词释义 4) 训练(小狗)走路 5 intr. (of a ghost) appear (指鬼魂)出现 6 intr. Cricket (of a batsman) leave the wicket without waiting for the umpire to declare him out 【板球】(击球手未等裁判判定其退场而)离开三柱门 7 Baseball 【棒球】a intr. reach first base on being entitled to do so after not hitting at four balls pitched outside specified limits (击球员因投手投出 4 个坏球而)自由上垒 b tr. allow to do this 允许自由上垒 8 intr. archaic live in a specified manner, conduct oneself [古义]处事,为人;生活 walk humbly 为人谦卑; walk with God 与主同在 9 intr. N. Amer. slang be released from suspicion or from a charge [北美] [俚语]解脱嫌疑(或指控) n. 1a an act of walking, the ordinary human gait 走,步行;步速 go at a walk 步行 b the slowest gait of an animal (动物的)极慢的步速 c a person's manner of walking 步态 know him by his walk 看走路的样子知道是他 2a (an act or instance of) travelling a specified distance on foot 行走的距离(或路程) is only ten minutes' walk from here 从这里步行只有 10 分钟的路程; it's quite a walk to the bus stop 到汽车站有相当一段距离 b an excursion on foot; a stroll 徒步游览;漫步,散步 go for a walk 去散步。 c a journey on foot completed to earn money promised for a charity etc. (为慈善等事业募捐所做的)徒步旅行 3a a place, track, or route intended or suitable for walking; a promenade, colonnade, or footpath 散步(或步行)的场所或路线;公共散步场所、柱廊或小路 b a person's favourite place or route for walking (个人爱去散步的)地方或路线 c esp. Brit. the round of a postman, hawker, etc. [尤英] (邮递员、零售商贩等)固定的路线 4 esp. Brit. a farm etc. where a hound-puppy is sent to accustom it to various surroundings [尤英] (饲养或训练小猎犬的)农场等 5 the place where a gamecock is kept 斗鸡场 6 a part of a forest under one keeper (护林人的)管区 in a walk without effort 轻而易举 won in a walk 轻易取胜 walk about stroll 散步 walk all over colloq. [] 1 defeat easily 轻易地击败 2 take advantage of 利用;乘…之便 walk away from 1 easily outdistance 轻易地胜过 2 refuse to become involved with; fail to deal with 拒绝与…有关;未能处理 3 survive (an accident etc.) without serious injury (从事故等中)平安脱险 walk away with colloq. [] = walk off with walk the boards be an actor 当演员 walk the hospitals = walk the wards walk in (often foll. by 常后跟 on) enter or arrive, esp. unexpectedly or easily (尤指出人意料或轻易地)走进;到达 walk into colloq. [] 1 encounter through unwariness 不慎陷入 walked into the trap 误入陷阱,落入圈套 2 get (a job) easily 轻易地获得(工作) walk it 1 make a journey on foot, not ride 徒步旅行 2 colloq. achieve something (esp. a victory) easily []轻易取得(尤指胜利) walk Matilda see MATILDA walk off 1 depart (esp. abruptly) (尤指突然地)离开 2 get rid of the effects of (a meal, ailment, feeling, etc.) by walking 以散步来消除() (食物、烦闷或某种情感等) walked off his anger 他散步以消气 walk a person off his (or her) feet (or legs) exhaust a person with walking 使某人走得筋疲力尽 walk off with colloq. [] 1 steal 偷,窃走 2 win easily 轻易取胜 walk on air see AIR walk out 1 depart suddenly or angrily (突然或生气地)离开 2 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 with) Brit. archaic go for walks in courtship [英古义] (求爱时的)散步 walk out on desert, abandon 遗弃;抛弃 walk over 1 colloq. [] = walk all over 2 (often absol. [常含宾]) traverse (a racecourse) without needing to hurry, because one has no opponents or only inferior ones (因无对手或对手太弱而)轻而易举地取胜 walk the plank see PLANK walk the streets 1 be a prostitute 做妓女 2 traverse the streets esp. in search of work etc. (尤指为找工作等的)走街串巷 walk tall colloq. feel justifiable pride [] (理直气壮地)感到骄傲 walk up! Brit. a showman's invitation to a circus etc. []请进!(在马戏团等门外招呼观众用语) walk up to approach (a person) for a talk etc. (为同某人谈话等)走近 walk the wards be a medical student 从医;学医 walkable adj.[Old English wealcan ‘roll, toss, wander’, from Germanic]




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