释义 |
wail/weil/ n. & v.●n. 1 a prolonged plaintive inarticulate loud high-pitched cry of pain, grief, etc. 尖啸;恸哭 2 a sound like or suggestive of this 尖啸声;恸哭声 ●v. 1 intr. utter a wail 恸哭;尖啸 2 intr. lament or complain persistently or bitterly 哀诉;抱怨 3 intr. (of the wind etc.) make a sound like a person wailing (风等)呼啸;悲号 4 tr. poet. or literary bewail; wail over [诗] [文学用语]悲怨;哀号着诉说 □ wailer n.□ wailful adj. poet. [诗]□ wailingly adv.[Middle English from Old Norse: related to WOE] |