释义 |
defence/diˈfens/n. (US [美] defense) 1 the act of defending from or resisting attack 防卫,防御,保护 2a a means of resisting attack 防御手段 b a thing that protects 防御物,保护物 c the military resources of a country 国家的军事力量 3 (in pl. 用复数) fortifications 防御工事 4a justification, vindication 辩护;辩明 b a speech or piece of writing used to this end 答辩;抗辩 5a the defendant's case in a lawsuit 被告方 b the counsel for the defendant 被告的法律顾问 6a the action or role of defending one's goal etc. against attack 防守(大门等);防守方法 b the players in a team who perform this role 防守队员 □ defenceless adj.□ defencelessly adv.□ defencelessness n.[Middle English via Old French defens(e) from Late Latin defensum, -a, past part. of defendere: see DEFEND] |