释义 |
outsiden., adj., adv. & prep.●n. /aʊtˈsaid, ˈaʊtsaid/ 1 the external side or surface; the outer parts 外边;外面;外部 painted blue on the outside 把外部刷成蓝色 2 the external appearance; the outward aspect of a building etc. 外表;(建筑物等的)外观 3 the side of a path away from the wall or next to the road 临墙或靠车道的人行道的外侧 4 (also 亦作 attrib.) all that is without; the world as distinct from the thinking subject 外界;(相对于思想世界的)外部世界 learn about the outside world 了解外部世界; viewed from the outside the problem is simple 从外表看来,这个问题很简单 5 a position on the outer side 外面 the gate opens from the outside 这扇门从外边开 6 colloq. the highest computation [口]最大数;最大量;最大限度 it is a mile at the outside 充其量也就 1 英里 7 Brit. an outside player in football etc. [英] (足球等)边锋 8 (in pl. 用复数) the outer sheets of a ream of paper 1 令纸的最外层(上下)两张 ●adj. /ˈaʊtsaid/ 1 of or on or nearer the outside; outer 外边的;在外侧的;外部的 2a not of or belonging to some circle or institution 外界的;局外的 outside help 外界的帮助; outside work 不在工作场所做的工作 b (of a broker) not a member of the Stock Exchange (经纪人)场外的 3 (of a chance etc.) remote; very unlikely (机会等)极小的;几乎不可能的 4 (of an estimate etc.) the greatest or highest possible 最大的;最大限度的 the outside price 最高价 5 (of a player in football etc.) positioned nearest to the edge of the field (足球等)边锋的 ●adv. /aʊtˈsaid/ 1 on or to the outside 在外边;向外边 2 in or to the open air 在户外;向户外 3 not within or enclosed or included 不在内;在范围外;不包括 4 slang not in prison [俚语]不在监狱中 ●prep. /aʊtˈsaid/ (also disp. [亦异议] foll. by 后跟 of) 1 not in; to or at the exterior of 不在…里边;向…外边;在…外边 meet me outside the post office 在邮局外边遇见我 2 external to, not included in, beyond the limits of 在…外;不包括在…内;超出…的界限 outside the law 在法律规定的范围以外 □ at the outside (of an estimate etc.) at the most 充其量;至多 □ get outside of slang eat or drink [俚语]吃(喝) □ outside and in outside and inside 里里外外 □ outside in = INSIDE OUT □ outside of esp. N. Amer. colloq. apart from [尤北美口]除…以外 ■ Usage 用法说明 The use of outside of as a preposition, e.g. There is nothing like it outside of Japan is considered incorrect by some people. Outside on its own is preferable. 有些人认为 outside 作介词时,下列句子不正确 : There is nothing like it outside of Japan (除了在日本,没有其他东西和此相像),此时单独用 outside 更好。 |