释义 |
deep/di:p/ adj., n. & adv.●adj. 1a extending far down from the top 深的;厚的 deep hole 深洞; deep water 深水 b extending far in from the surface or edge 纵深的;宽的;位于深处的 deep wound 深位伤口; deep plunge 深浸,深陷; deep shelf 进深很深的书架; deep border 宽边 2 (用作 predic.)a extending to or lying at a specified depth 有…深的 water six feet deep 水深 6 英尺; ankle-deep in mud 泥深过踝 b in a specified number of ranks one behind another 成…排的 soldiers drawn up six deep 士兵按 6 排站队 3 situated far down or back or in 位于深处后部(深远处)的 hands deep in his pockets 他把手深插在口袋里 4 coming or brought from far down or in 来自深处的 deep breath 深呼吸; deep sigh 深深的叹息 5 low-pitched, full-toned, not shrill (声音)深沉的,洪亮的,不尖锐刺耳的 deep voice 嗓音低沉; deep note 低音; deep bell 深沉的钟声 6 intense, vivid, extreme 强烈的;浓(或深)的;极度的 deep disgrace 极大的羞辱; deep sleep 酣睡; deep colour 深色; deep secret 深藏的秘密 7 heartfelt, absorbing 衷心的;深切的;引人入胜的 deep affection 深情; deep feelings 深厚的感情; deep interest 浓厚的兴趣 8 (作 predic.) fully absorbed or overwhelmed 全神贯注的,专心的;深陷于的 deep in a book 在专心读一本书; deep in debt 债台高筑 9 profound, penetrating, not superficial; difficult to understand 深奥的;深刻的;难解的 deep thinker 哲学家; deep thought 深邃的思想; deep insight 深刻的见识; deep learning 深奥的学问 10 Cricket distant from the batsman 【板球】远离接球区的,内场区的 deep mid-off 远离投手左侧的外场员位置 11 Football distant from the front line of one's team 【足球】靠近对方端线的 12 colloq. cunning or secretive [口]狡猾的;诡秘的 a deep one 狡诈的人 ●n. 1 (prec. by 前接 the) poet. the sea [诗]大海;海洋 2 a deep part of the sea 深海 3 an abyss, pit, or cavity 深渊;深坑;深穴 4 (prec. by 前接 the) Cricket the position of a fielder distant from the batsman 【板球】(远离接球手的)内场区 5 a deep state 深处;深部 deep of the night 深夜 6 poet. a mysterious region of thought or feeling [诗]思想(或内心)深处 ●adv. 1 deeply; far down or in 深深地;在(至)深处 dig deep 深挖; read deep into the night 读至深夜 2 Sport distant from the batsman or other focus of play 【运动】在内场区 □ go off (or go in off) the deep end colloq. give way to anger or emotion [口]勃然大怒,变得异常激动 □ in deep water (or waters) in trouble or difficulty 陷于危境(或困境)中 □ jump (or be thrown) in at the deep end face a difficult problem, undertaking, etc., with little experience of it 贸然行事;介入自己并不了解的事(任务等) □ deeply adv.□ deepness n.[Old English dēop (adj.), dīope, dēope (adv.), from Germanic: related to DIP] |