释义 |
date1/deit/ n. & v.●n. 1 a day of the month, esp. specified by a number (尤指有具体数字的)日期;年月日 2 a particular day or year, esp. when a given event occurred (尤指特定事件发生时的)特定日期 3 a statement (usu. giving the day, month, and year) in a document or inscription etc., of the time of composition or publication 文件(或署名)上用的日期(通常写上年、月、日) 4 the period to which a work of art etc. belongs (艺术作品等所属的)时代 5 the time when an event happens or is to happen 事件发生(将要发生)的时间 6 colloq. [口]a an appointment or social engagement, esp. with a person of the opposite sex (尤指异性之间的)约会(或交往) b esp. N. Amer. a person with whom one has a social engagement [尤北美]约会者 ●v. 1 tr. mark with a date 标以日期 2 tr.a assign a date to (an object, event, etc.) 记下(某事、某事件等的)日期 b (foll. by 后跟 to) assign to a particular time, period, etc. 属于某一特定时代(时期等) 3 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 from, back to, etc.) have its origins at a particular time 追朔到 4 intr. be recognizable as from a past or particular period; become evidently out of date 使具有某一时代特征;过时 a design that does not date 并未过时的样式 5 tr. indicate or expose as being out of date 使显得过时 that hat really dates you 戴那顶帽子使你显得老气 6 colloq. [口]a tr. make an arrangement with (a person) to meet socially 与(某人)约会 b intr. meet socially by agreement 约会 they are now dating regularly 他们现在一直在定期约会 □ to date until now 迄今为止 [Middle English via Old French from medieval Latin data, fem. past part. of dare ‘give’: from the Latin formula used in dating letters, data (epistola) ‘(letter) given or delivered’ (at a particular time or place)] |