

单词 dab
释义 dab1/dæb/ v. & n.v. (dabbed, dabbing) 1 tr. press (a surface) briefly with a cloth, sponge, etc., without rubbing, esp. in cleaning or to apply a substance (尤指在清洁物体时用布、海绵等物短促而不揉擦地)轻按,轻触(表面) 2 tr. press (a sponge etc.) lightly on a surface (用海绵等)轻按,轻揉 3 tr. (foll. by 后跟 on) apply (a substance) by dabbing a surface (某物)轻敷,轻涂 4 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 at) aim a feeble blow; tap 轻击,轻拍 5 tr. strike lightly; tap 轻打,轻拍 n. 1 a brief application of a cloth, sponge, etc., to a surface without rubbing (用布、海绵等)轻按,轻触 2 a small amount of something applied in this way 少量,一点点 a dab of paint 少量油漆 3 a light blow or tap 轻击,轻拍 4 (in pl. 用复数) Brit. slang fingerprints [] [俚语]指纹印 dabber n.[Middle English, imitative]




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