释义 |
open/ˈəʊp(ə)n/ adj., v. & n.●adj. 1 not closed or locked or blocked up; allowing entrance or passage or access 未关闭的;未阻塞的;容许通过的;可以进入的 2a (of a room, field, or other area) having its door or gate in a position allowing access, or part of its confining boundary removed (房间、场地或其他地方)门敞开的;无限制的 b (of a container) not fastened or sealed; in a position or with the lid etc. in a position allowing access to the inside part (容器)未盖紧的;未封口的;敞口的 3 unenclosed, unconfined, unobstructed 没围起来的;不封闭的;无障碍的 the open road 可通行的路; open views 开阔的视野 4a uncovered, bare, exposed 无遮盖的;裸露的;暴露的 open drain 排水明沟; open wound 外露的伤口 b Sport (of a goalmouth or other object of attack) unprotected, vulnerable 【运动】(球门或其他进攻目标)无保护的;易攻破的;无严密防守的 5 undisguised, public, manifest; not exclusive or limited 不伪装的;公开的;明显的;不受限制的 open scandal 公开的丑闻; open hostilities 不加掩饰的敌意 6 expanded, unfolded, or spread out 摊开的;展开的;铺开的 had the map open on the table 把地图展开放在桌子上 7 (of a fabric) not close; with gaps or intervals (织物)稀疏的;稀松的 8a (of a person) frank and communicative (人)坦率的;直言不讳的 b (of the mind) accessible to new ideas; unprejudiced or undecided (大脑)易接受新思想的;无偏见的 9a (of an exhibition, shop, etc.) accessible to visitors or customers; ready for business (展览、商店等)开着的;开始(营业)的 b (of a meeting) admitting all, not restricted to members etc. (会议)开放的;不限制参加人员的 10 (also 亦作 Open)a (of a race, competition, scholarship, etc.) unrestricted as to who may compete (比赛、竞赛、奖学金等)公开的 b (of a champion, scholar, etc.) having won such a contest (冠军、学者等)在公开赛中获胜的;赢的 11 (of government) conducted in an informative manner receptive to enquiry, criticism, etc., from the public (政府)接受公众询问(或批评等)的 12 (foll. by 后跟 to)a willing to receive 乐意接受的 is open to offers 愿考虑出价 b (of a choice, offer, or opportunity) still available (选择、提议、机会)仍可利用的;可获得的 there are three courses open to us 我们还有 3 门课可选 c likely to suffer from or be affected by 可能遭受…的;易受…影响的 open to abuse 易受虐待 13a (of the mouth) with lips apart, esp. in surprise or incomprehension (嘴)张开的(尤指出于惊讶或不理解) b (of the ears or eyes) eagerly attentive (耳朵或眼睛)倾听着的,注视着的 14 Mus. 【音】a (of a string) allowed to vibrate along its whole length (弦)空的 b (of a pipe) unstopped at each end (管乐器)开放的 c (of a note) sounded from an open string or pipe (音)自然的 15 (of an electrical circuit) having a break in the conducting path (电路)断路的,开路的 16 (of the bowels) not constipated (肠)通畅的;不便秘的 17 (of a return ticket) not restricted as to day of travel (来回票)未注明往返日期的 18 Brit. (of a cheque) not crossed [英] (支票)非划线的;普通的 19 (of a boat) without a deck (船)无甲板的;敞舱的 20 (of a river or harbour) free of ice (河流或港口)不封冻的 21 (of the weather or winter) free of frost (天气或冬天)无霜的 22a (of a vowel) produced with a relatively wide opening of the mouth keeping the tongue low (元音)开的(发音时嘴张得较开,舌头压得较低) b (of a syllable) ending in a vowel (音节)以元音结尾的 23 (of a town, city, etc.) not defended even if attacked (镇、城市等)不设防的 ●v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become open or more open 打开;使…变得更开 2a tr. change from a closed or fastened position so as to allow access 打开 opened the door 开门; opened the box 打开箱子 b intr. (of a door, lid, etc.) have its position changed to allow access (门、盖子等)开;张开 the door opened slowly 门慢慢地开了 3 tr. remove the sealing or fastening element of (a container) to get access to the contents 撕开(封条);松开(容器) opened the envelope 撕开信封 4 intr. (foll. by 后跟 into, onto etc.) (of a door, room, etc.) afford access as specified (门、房间等)通(朝)向 opened on to a large garden 直通一个大花园 5a tr. start or establish or set going (a business, activity, etc.) 开始;开设;开放(生意、活动等) b intr. be initiated; make a start 开始 the session opens tomorrow 会议明天开始; the story opens with a murder 故事以谋杀开始 c tr. (of a counsel in a law court) make a preliminary statement in (a case) before calling witnesses (法庭的辩护律师)首次陈述(案情) 6 tr.a spread out or unfold (a map, newspaper, etc.) 打开;张开(地图、报纸等) b (often absol. [常含宾]) find and refer to (the contents of a book) 翻开(书的内容) open at the first soliloquy 把书翻到第一个独白 7 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 with) (of a person) begin speaking, writing, etc. (人)开始说话(写字等) he opened with a warning 他以警告作为开场白 8 intr. (of a prospect) come into view; be revealed (景色)展现;出现 9 tr. reveal or communicate (one's feelings, intentions, etc.) 暴露;泄露(情感、意图等) 10 tr. make (one's mind, heart, etc.) more sympathetic or enlightened 使(思想、心胸等)开阔 11 tr. ceremonially declare (a building etc.) to be completed and in use (为建筑物等)举行揭幕典礼;宣布开幕 12 tr. break up (ground) with a plough etc. (用犁等)开垦(土地) 13 tr. cause evacuation of (the bowels) 使(肠)畅通 14 Naut. 【海】a tr. get a view of by change of position (通过变换船位而)看见 b intr. come into full view 展现 ●n. 1 (prec. by 前接 the)a open space or country or air 广阔的空间,旷野,户外 b public notice or view; general attention (esp. 尤用于 into the open 公开) 公众观点;普遍关注 2 (作 Open) an open championship, competition, or scholarship 公开赛 □ be open with speak frankly to 坦白地说 □ open-and-shut (of an argument, case, etc.) straightforward and conclusive (争论、案件等)明确的;一目了然的 □ open the door to see 见 DOOR □ open a person's eyes see 见 EYE □ open out 1 unfold; spread out 展开;摊开 2 develop, expand 发展;增加 3 esp. Brit. become communicative [尤英]畅谈 4 accelerate 加速;促进 □ open up 1 unlock (premises) 开始营业 2 make accessible 打开 3 reveal; bring to notice 展示;使注意 4 accelerate esp. a motor vehicle (尤指汽车等)加速 5 begin shooting or sounding 开火 6 talk or speak openly 自由自在地谈 □ with open arms see 见 ARM1 □ openable adj.□ openness /ˈəʊp(ə)nnis/ n.[Old English open, from Germanic] |