释义 |
vegetable/ˈvedʒitəb(ə)l, ˈvedʒtə-/ n. & adj.●n. 1 Bot. any of various plants, esp. a herbaceous plant used wholly or partly for food, e.g. a cabbage, potato, turnip, or bean 【植】蔬菜 2 colloq. [口]a offens. a person who is incapable of normal intellectual activity, esp. through brain injury etc. [冒犯]植物人(尤指由于脑部受损等而丧失正常思维能力的人) b derog. a person lacking in animation or living a monotonous life [贬]生活呆板或单调的人 ●adj. 1 of, derived from, relating to, or comprising plants or plant life, esp. as distinct from animal life or mineral substances 植物的;由植物而来的;由植物构成的(尤区别于动物或矿物质) 2 of or relating to vegetables as food 蔬菜的 3a unresponsive to stimulus 反应迟钝的;笨拙的 vegetable behaviour 笨拙的举止 b uneventful, monotonous 单调的,呆板懒散的 a vegetable existence 呆板单调的生活[originally = living and growing as a plant: Middle English from Old French vegetable or Late Latin vegetabilis ‘animating’ (as VEGETATE)] |