

单词 cut
释义 cut/kʌt/ v. & n.v. (cutting; past and past part. cut) 1 tr. (also absol. [亦含宾]) penetrate or wound with a sharp-edged instrument (用利器)刺穿,割破 cut his finger 割破了手指; the knife won't cut 这把刀子割不了手 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 into) divide or be divided with a knife etc. (用刀等)切,割,砍,剪 cut the bread 切面包; cut the cloth into metre lengths 把布裁成一米长的布块 3 tr.a trim or reduce the length of (hair, a hedge, etc.) by cutting 修剪,剪短(头发、树篱等) b detach all or the significant part of (flowers, corn, etc.) by cutting 割掉,剪掉(花朵、鸡眼等) 4 tr. (foll. by 后跟 loose, open, etc.) make loose, open, etc. by cutting 割断;松开;刺开(剪开等) 5 tr. (esp. as 尤作 cutting adj.) cause sharp physical or mental pain to 刺痛,使疼痛;使伤心 a cutting remark 刺人的话; a cutting wind 刺骨的寒风; was cut to the quick 刺到了痛处,刺痛了心 6 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 down)a reduce (wages, prices, time, etc.) 削减,减少(工资、价格、时间等) b reduce or cease (services etc.) 减少,停止(服务等) 7 tr.a shape or fashion (a coat, gem, key, record, etc.) by cutting 裁剪(衣服);雕琢(宝石);配制(钥匙);灌制(唱片) b make (a path, tunnel, etc.) by removing material 开凿,开辟(通道、隧道等) 8 tr. perform, execute, make 表演,扮演;假装 cut a caper 做愚蠢的动作; cut a sorry figure 出丑 9 tr. (also absol. [亦含宾]) cross, intersect 相交,相切,交叉 the line cuts the circle at two points 该直线与该圆相交于两点; the two lines cut 这两条直线相交 10 intr. (foll. by 后跟 across, through, etc.) pass or traverse, esp. in a hurry or as a shorter way 抄近路穿过,斜穿 cut across the grass 斜穿过草地 11 tr.a ignore or refuse to recognize (a person) 不理睬(某人),装作不认识 b renounce (a connection) 宣布与…断绝(关系) 12 tr. esp. N. Amer. deliberately fail to attend (a class etc.) [尤北美](),逃() 13 Cards 【牌戏】a tr. divide (a pack) into two parts 签牌(指把洗过的牌分成两迭,上下倒置) b intr. select a dealer etc. by dividing the pack 签牌,抽牌(选庄家等) 14 Cinematog. 【电影】a tr. edit (a film or tape) 剪辑(影片),剪接(录像带) b intr. (often in imper. 常用于祈使句) stop filming or recording 停拍,停止录像 c intr. (foll. by 后跟 to) go quickly to (another shot) 切换(镜头) 15 tr. switch off (an engine etc.) 关掉,停止(发动机等) 16 tr.a hit (a ball) with a chopping motion 削球,切球 b Golf slice (the ball) 【高尔夫球】打削球,打斜切球 17 tr. N. Amer. dilute, adulterate [北美]稀释,冲淡 18 tr. (as cut adj.) Brit. slang drunk [] [俚语]喝醉的 19 intr. Cricket (of the ball) turn sharply on pitching 【板球】(球投出后)急转方向 20 intr. slang run [俚语]跑,快速行进 21 tr. castrate 阉割(动物),给(动物)去势 n. 1 an act of cutting 切,割,削,剪 2 a division or wound made by cutting 切块,切段;切口,伤口 3 a stroke with a knife, sword, whip, etc. (刀剑等)劈,砍,击;(鞭子等) 4a a reduction (in prices, wages, etc.) (价格、工资等)减少,降低 b Brit. a cessation (of a power supply etc.) [](电等) 5 an excision of part of a play, film, book, etc. (戏剧、电影、书籍等)删节,删剪 6 a wounding remark or act 伤人的话(行为) 7 the way or style in which a garment, the hair, etc., is cut (服装、头发等的)款式,式样 8 a piece of meat etc. cut from a carcass (从屠宰的动物躯体上)切下的肉 9 colloq. commission; a share of profits []佣金,回扣;分得的利润 10 Tennis & Cricket etc. a stroke made by cutting 【网球】【板球】削球,切球 11 ignoring of or refusal to recognize a person (对熟人的)故意不理睬,假装不认识 12a an engraved block for printing (印刷用)镌版,雕版 b = WOODCUT 1, 2 13 a railway cutting 铁路通道,通路 14 a new channel made for a river (新开挖的)渠道,沟渠 a cut above colloq. noticeably superior to []高出…一截,明显优于 be cut out (foll. by 后跟 for, or to + infin.) be suited 生来就适合于 was not cut out to be a teacher 生来就不是当老师的材料 cut across 1 transcend or take no account of (normal limitations etc.) 超越,不顾,不理会(正常限度等) their concern cuts across normal rivalries 他们的担心不是正常的竞争对手 2 see sense 10 of v. 见动词释义 10 cut and dried 1 completely decided; pre-arranged; inflexible 成定局的;预定的;不可改变的 2 (of opinions etc.) ready-made, lacking freshness (观点等)老一套的,缺乏新意的 cut and run colloq. run away []逃走,跑开 cut and thrust 1 a lively interchange of argument etc. 激烈的(争论等)交锋 2 the use of both the edge and the point of a sword (用剑)劈与刺,肉搏战 cut back 1 reduce (expenditure etc.) 缩减,削减(开支等) 2 prune (a tree etc.) 修剪,修整(树木等) 3 Cinematog. repeat part of a previous scene for dramatic effect 【电影】回切,倒叙(镜头) cut both ways 1 serve both sides of an argument etc. (论点等)对双方都适用,两边倒 2 (of an action) have both good and bad effects (行为)有利也有弊 cut one's coat according to one's cloth 1 adapt expenditure to resources 量入为出 2 limit ambition to what is feasible 量力而行 cut a corner go across and not round it 抄近路,走捷径 cut corners do a task etc. perfunctorily or incompletely, esp. to save time (尤指为省时间而)敷衍了事 cut a dash see DASH cut dead completely refuse to recognize (a person) 假装不认识(某人) cut down 1a bring or throw down by cutting 砍倒 b kill by means of a sword or disease 杀死 2 see sense 6 of v. 见动词释义 6 3 reduce the length of 把…截短 cut down the trousers to make shorts 把裤子截短改做短裤 4 (often foll. by 常后跟 on) reduce one's consumption 削减,减少(消费量) tried to cut down on beer 设法少喝啤酒 cut a person down to size colloq. ruthlessly expose the limitations of a person's importance, ability, etc. [] (在重要性、能力等方面)使(某人)自知分寸 cut one's eye-teeth attain worldly wisdom 变得洞明世故 cut in 1 interrupt 打断,插嘴 2 pull in too closely in front of another vehicle (esp. having overtaken it) 超车(尤指超车抢道) 3 give a share of profits etc. to (a person) (某人)分享利润 4 connect (a source of electricity) 接通(电源) 5 join in a card game by taking the place of a player who cuts out (接替某人)加入牌戏 6 interrupt a dancing couple to take over from one partner 夺他人舞伴 cut into 1 make a cut in 切入,割入 they cut into the cake 他们把刀子切入蛋糕里 2 interfere with and reduce 介入,干涉;减少 travelling cuts into my free time 旅行减少了我的空闲时间 cut it fine see FINE1 cut it out (usu. in imper. 通常用于祈使句) colloq. stop doing that (esp. quarrelling) []停止(尤停止争吵) cut the knot solve a problem in an irregular but efficient way 快刀斩乱麻(即以不合常规的办法有效地解决问题) cut loose 1 begin to act freely 开始自由行动,结束对…的控制 2 see sense 4 of v. 见动词释义 4 cut one's losses (or a loss) abandon an unprofitable enterprise before losses become too great 趁早撒手,趁损失不大马上放弃 cut the mustard N. Amer. slang reach the required standard [北美] [俚语]达到规定的标准,获得成功 cut no ice colloq. [] 1 have no influence or importance 不起作用,无关紧要 2 achieve little or nothing 一无所成,无所作为 cut off 1 remove (an appendage) by cutting 割掉,切下(附属物) 2a (often in passive 常用被动) bring to an abrupt end or (esp. early) death 突然中断(尤指夭亡、早逝) b intercept, interrupt; prevent from continuing 截断,阻断;停止 cut off supplies 切断供应; cut off the gas 停止供气 c disconnect (a person engaged in a telephone conversation) 中断(某人的)通话 was suddenly cut off 电话突然中断了 3a prevent from travelling or venturing out 切断,使隔绝 was cut off by the snow 被大雪隔断了 b (as cut off adj.) isolated, remote 隔离的,遥远的 felt cut off in the country 在乡下觉得与世隔绝了 4 disinherit 剥夺…的继承权 was cut off without a penny 完全被剥夺了继承权 cut out 1 remove from the inside by cutting 切掉,割除 2 make by cutting from a larger whole 从一整块中裁剪出;开辟出 3 omit; leave out 删除;剪掉 4 colloq. stop doing or using (something) []停止做某事;不再使用某物 managed to cut out chocolate 设法不再吃巧克力; let's cut out the arguing 咱们不要再争吵了 5 cease or cause to cease functioning (使)停止运转 the engine cut out 发动机停了 6 outdo or supplant (a rival) 击败,战胜;把(对手)排挤掉 7 US detach (an animal) from the herd [](牛等)从畜群里分离出来 8 Cards be excluded from a card game as a result of a decision taken by cutting the pack 【牌戏】(通过签牌)(某人)排斥在牌戏之外 cut short 1 interrupt; terminate prematurely 打断;提前中断 cut short his visit 中断了他的访问 2 make shorter or more concise 截短,缩短 cut one's teeth on acquire initial practice or experience from (something) 从…中获得初步锻炼(或经验) cut a tooth have it appear through the gum 长出牙齿 cut up 1 cut into pieces 切碎,割碎,剪碎 2 destroy utterly 摧毁,毁灭 3 (usu. in passive 通常用被动) Brit. distress greatly []使伤心,使悲痛 was very cut up about it 为此很伤心 4 criticize severely 抨击,严厉批评 5 N. Amer. derog. behave in a comical or unruly manner [北美贬]卖弄;胡闹 cut up rough Brit. colloq. show anger or resentment [英口]发脾气,发怒,愤恨 cut up well Brit. slang bequeath a large fortune [] [俚语]死后留下大宗财产 have one's work cut out see WORK[Middle English cutte, kitte, kette, probably from Old English]




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