释义 |
vary/ˈvɛəri/v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. make different; modify, diversify 使不同;更改;改变;修改;使多样化 seldom varies the routine 很少改变老一套程序; the style is not sufficiently varied 风格改变不大 2 intr.a undergo change; become or be different 变化;有不同;呈差异 the temperature varies from 30° to 70° 温度在 30 至 70 摄氏度之间变化 b be of different kinds 改变 his mood varies 他的情绪变了 3 intr. (foll. by 后跟 as) be in proportion to 和…成比例变化 □ varyingly adv.[Middle English from Old French varier or Latin variare (as VARIOUS)] |