释义 |
crush/krʌʃ/ v. & n.●v. tr. 1 compress with force or violence, so as to break, bruise, etc. 压碎,压坏,压伤(以使折断、青肿等) 2 reduce to powder by pressure 碾碎,捣碎 3 crease or crumple by rough handling 弄皱,压皱 4 defeat or subdue completely 打败;镇压,征服 crushed by my reply 被我的答复镇住了 ●n. 1 an act of crushing 压碎,压坏;挤压 2 a crowded mass of people 拥挤的人群 3 a drink made from the juice of crushed fruit (水果榨出的)果汁饮料 4 colloq. [口]a (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 on) a (usu. passing) infatuation (通常指短暂的)热恋,迷恋 b the object of an infatuation 热恋的对象 who's the latest crush? 谁是最近的热恋对象? □ crushable adj.□ crusher n.□ crushing adj. (esp. in sense 4 of v. 尤用于动词释义 4)□ crushingly adv.[Middle English via Anglo-French crussir, corussier, Old French croissir, cruissir, ‘gnash (teeth), crack’, from Romanic] |