释义 |
crown/kraʊn/ n. & v.●n. 1 a monarch's ornamental and usu. jewelled headdress 王冠,冕 2 (作 the Crown)a the monarch, esp. as head of state 国王,君主 b the power or authority residing in the monarchy 王权;王位;王国政府 3a a wreath of leaves or flowers etc. worn on the head, esp. as an emblem of victory (用树枝或花朵等做成象征荣誉或胜利的)花冠 b an award or distinction gained by a victory or achievement, esp. in sport (尤指体育运动中的)荣誉称号,冠军称号 4 a crown-shaped thing, esp. a device or ornament 王冠状物,花冠状物(尤指装置或饰物) 5 the top part of a thing, esp. of the head or a hat 顶部(尤指头顶或帽顶) 6a the highest or central part of an arched or curved thing (拱形物的)顶部,中央部位 crown of the road 路拱 b a thing that completes or forms the summit 顶峰,绝顶 7 the part of a plant just above and below the ground 根颈(植物由根过渡到茎的部位) 8 the upper part of a cut gem above the girdle 宝面(宝石露在镶嵌底板上面的部分) 9a the part of a tooth projecting from the gum 齿冠 b an artificial replacement or covering for this 假齿冠 10a a former British coin equal to five shillings (25p) 克朗(英国旧币制 5 先令硬币) b any of several foreign coins with a name meaning ‘crown’, esp. the krona or krone 克朗(尤指挪威克朗或丹麦克朗) 11 a former size of paper, 504 × 384 mm 王冠裁(一种印刷纸张的规格 : 504 × 384 mm) ●v. tr. 1 put a crown on (a person or a person's head) 在(某人头上)戴上花冠,授予(某人)荣誉 2 invest (a person) with a royal crown or authority 为(某人)加冕,立(某人)为君主 3 be a crown to; encircle or rest on the top of 形成…的顶部;在…的顶部 4a (often as 常作 crowning adj.) be or cause to be the consummation, reward, or finishing touch to (使)达到顶峰的;(使)得到奖赏的;(使)作最后点缀的 the crowning glory 至高无上的荣誉 b bring (efforts) to a happy issue 使圆满结束 5 fit a crown to (a tooth) 为(牙齿)镶假齿冠 6 slang hit on the head [俚语]击中…的头部 7 promote (a piece in draughts) to king (西洋跳棋)使(一棋子)成为“王” [Middle English via Anglo-French corune, Old French corone from Latin corona] |