释义 |
cross/krɒs/ n., v. & adj.●n. 1 an upright post with a transverse bar, as used in antiquity for crucifixion (古代处死刑用的)十字架 2a (the Cross) in Christianity, the cross on which Christ was crucified (耶稣基督被钉死在上面的)十字架 b a representation of this as an emblem of Christianity (作为基督教象征的)十字架 c = SIGN OF THE CROSS 3 a staff surmounted by a cross and borne before an archbishop or in a religious procession (象征大主教权力的)十字杖 4a a thing or mark shaped like a cross, esp. a figure made by two short intersecting lines (+ or ×) 十字形物,十字形 (+ 或×) b a monument in the form of a cross, esp. one in the centre of a town or on a tomb (市中心的)十字形纪念碑;(坟墓上的)十字标 5 a cross-shaped decoration indicating rank in some orders of knighthood or awarded for personal valour (象征爵士身份或表彰英勇行为的)十字勋章 6a an intermixture of animal breeds or plant varieties (动、植物的)异种交配,杂交 b an animal or plant resulting from this 杂种,杂交品种 7 (foll. by 后跟 between) a mixture or compromise of two things 混合物;折中物 8a a crosswise movement, e.g. of an actor on stage 横穿(如演员从舞台一边穿到另一边) b Football etc. a pass of the ball across the pitch esp. towards the centre 【足球】横传(横过球场朝中心位置的传递) c Boxing a blow with a crosswise movement of the fist 【拳击】迎击 9 a trial or affliction; something to be endured 苦难,磨难,烦恼 bear one's crosses 背十字架,忍受痛苦 ●v. 1 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 over; also absol. [亦含宾]) go across or to the other side of (a road, river, sea, etc.) 越过,穿过(公路);渡过(河流、海洋等) 2a intr. intersect or be across one another 交叉,相交 the roads cross near the bridge 这几条路在大桥附近相交 b tr. cause to do this; place crosswise 使交叉,使相交 cross one's legs 交叉着双腿,盘腿 3 tr.a draw a line or lines across 画横线于 b Brit. mark (a cheque) with two parallel lines, and often an annotation, to indicate that it must be paid into a named bank account [英]在(支票)上画两条平行线(常加注解,表示只能转账到指定的银行账户) 4 tr. (foll. by 后跟 off, out, through) cancel or obliterate or remove from a list with lines drawn across 在…上打叉,划掉,勾销 5 tr. (often 常作 refl.) make the sign of the cross on or over (基督教徒)用手画十字于… 6 intr.a pass in opposite or different directions 与…相遇而过 b (of letters between two correspondents) each be dispatched before receipt of the other (双方的通信)互相错过 c (of telephone lines) become wrongly interconnected so that intrusive calls can be heard (电话线)串线交扰 7 tr. Football etc. pass (the ball) across the pitch, esp. towards the centre 【足球】横传 8 tr.a cause to interbreed 使(动物)杂交 b cross-fertilize (plants) 使(植物)异花受精 9 tr. thwart or frustrate 阻挠;反对;使受挫折 crossed in love 恋爱受挫 10 tr. slang cheat [俚语]欺骗 ●adj. 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 with) peevish, angry 易怒的,脾气坏的 2 (usu. 通常作 attrib.) transverse; reaching from side to side 横断的;横贯的 3 (usu. 通常作 attrib.) intersecting 交叉的 4 (usu. 通常作 attrib.) contrary, opposed, reciprocal 相反的,逆的;相互的,交互的 □ as cross as two sticks Brit. extremely angry or peevish [英]非常生气的,愤怒的 □ at cross purposes misunderstanding or conflicting with one another 相互误解;相互矛盾 □ cross one's fingers (or keep one's fingers crossed) 1 put one finger across another as a sign of hoping for good luck (两指交叉)祈求好运 2 trust in good luck 相信有好运 □ cross the floor Brit. join the opposing side in a debating assembly [英] (在辩论会上)转而支持对方 □ cross one's heart make a solemn pledge, esp. by crossing one's front (尤指在胸前)画十字发誓 □ cross one's mind (of a thought etc.) occur to one, esp. transiently (念头等)出现;闪现,掠过 □ cross a person's palm (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 with) pay a person for a favour 贿赂某人 □ cross the path of 1 meet with (a person) 偶然遇见(某人) 2 thwart 阻挠,妨碍 □ cross swords (often foll. by 常后跟 with) encounter in opposition; have an argument or dispute 搏斗,较量;争论,争辩 □ cross wires (or get one's wires crossed) 1 become wrongly connected by telephone 电话线串线交扰 2 have a misunderstanding 误解 □ on the cross Brit. [英] 1 diagonally 斜,对角地 2 slang fraudulently, dishonestly [俚语]欺诈地,不诚实地 □ crossly adv.□ crossness n.[Old English cros via Old Norse kross and Old Irish cros from Latin crux cruc-] |