

单词 creep
释义 creep/kri:p/ v. & n.v. intr. (past and past part. crept /krept/) 1 move with the body prone and close to the ground; crawl 爬行,匍匐 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 in, out, up, etc.) come, go, or move slowly and stealthily or timidly 蹑手蹑脚地走;缓慢地走;悄悄地行进 crept out without being seen 悄悄地溜了出去,没有被人发现 3 enter slowly (into a person's affections, life, awareness, etc.) 逐渐产生(情感);逐渐进入(生活);逐渐意识到 a feeling crept over her 她渐渐地产生了一种感觉; crept into her heart 渐渐进入她的心中 4 colloq. act abjectly or obsequiously in the hope of advancement []卑躬屈膝,谄媚奉承 5 (of a plant) grow along the ground or up a wall by means of tendrils etc. (植物)蔓生;攀缘 6 (as creeping adj.) developing slowly and steadily 缓慢发展,稳步发展 creeping inflation 逐渐蔓延的通货膨胀 7 (of the flesh) feel as if insects etc. were creeping over it, as a result of fear, horror, etc. 起鸡皮疙瘩,汗毛直竖(指人的肌肤因恐惧、害怕等而产生昆虫爬动的感觉) 8 (of materials) undergo creep (see sense 5 of n.) (指金属材料)蠕变 n. 1a the act of creeping 爬行的动作 b an instance of this 爬行,匍匐前进 2 (in pl. 用复数; prec. by 前接 the) colloq. a nervous feeling of revulsion or fear []毛骨悚然的感觉 gives me the creeps 使我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩 3 colloq. an unpleasant person []讨厌的人 4 the gradual downward movement of disintegrated rock due to gravitational forces etc. (引力造成碎裂岩石向下的)蠕动,徐动 5 a gradual deformation of materials under stress (材料受压形成的)蠕变 6 a low arch under a railway embankment, road, etc. (铁路路堤、公路下面的)低拱 creep up on approach (a person) stealthily or unnoticed 悄悄地向(某人)靠近 [Old English crēopan, from Germanic]




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