释义 |
up/ʌp/ adv., prep., adj., n. & v.●adv. 1 at, in, or towards a higher place or position 在高处;在上面;向上;向较高处; jumped up in the air 跳了起来; what are they doing up there? 他们在上面干什么? 2 to or in a place regarded as higher, esp. 向或在被认为较高的地方,尤指 : a northwards 向北方;在北方 up in Scotland 在苏格兰 b Brit. towards a major city or a university [英]朝大城市或大学方向 went up to London 上伦敦去 3 colloq. ahead etc. as indicated [口]向前;靠近 went up front 走上前去 4a to or in an erect position or condition 向或处于直立的姿势;起来 stood it up 把它竖着放起来 b to or in a prepared or required position 向或处于预定或要求的位置 wound up the watch 上表(的发条) c in or into a condition of efficiency, activity, or progress 处于有效的境况;在活动中;进入运转状态;正在进行中 stirred up trouble 惹麻烦; the house is up for sale 此屋正在出售; the hunt is up 狩猎正在进行 d Baseball at bat 【棒球】上场击球 5 in a stronger or winning position or condition 处于优势或获利地位 our team was three goals up 我们队比分超出对手 3 分; am £ 10 up on the transaction 这笔交易我赚了 10 英镑 6 (of a computer) running and available for use (指计算机)处于运行状态 7 to the place or time in question or where the speaker etc. is 到指定地点;到指定时间;向讲话人等处 a child came up to me 有个孩子朝我走来; went straight up to the door 径直朝门边走去; has been fine up till now 到目前为止一切都很好 8 at or to a higher price or value (指价格或价值)较高;从低到高 our costs are up 我们的成本较高; shares are up 股票涨了 9a completely or effectually 完全地,彻底地 burn up 烧光; eat up 吃尽,吃掉; tear up 撕烂,撕碎; use up 用完,用光 b more loudly or clearly (指声音)更高一些或更清楚一些 speak up 大点声 10 in a state of completion; denoting the end of availability, supply, etc. 处于结束状态;说明已用完供应物品等 time is up 时间到,到点了 11 into a compact, accumulated, or secure state (封)闭,(关)闭;牢牢地 pack up 打包; save up 储蓄,贮存; tie up 扎紧 12 out of bed 起床 are you up yet? 你已经起床了吗? 13 (of the sun etc.) having risen (指太阳等)已经升起 14 happening, esp. unusually or unexpectedly 发生(尤指不寻常的或出乎意料的事) something is up 出事了 15 taught or informed 学过;通晓 is well up in French 通晓法语 16 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 before) appearing for trial etc. 出庭受审等 was up before the magistrate 在地方法院出庭受审 17 Brit. (of a road etc.) being repaired [英] (指道路等)正在修整 18 (of a jockey) in the saddle (指赛马骑手)在马鞍上 19 towards the source of a river 向(江河的)发源地;向上游 20 inland 向内地 21 (of the points etc. in a game) (指比赛中比分等): a registered on the scoreboard 在记分牌上 b forming the total score for the time being 形成目前总分 22 upstairs, esp. to bed 向楼上(尤指去睡觉) are you going up yet? 你要上楼去吗? 23 (of a theatre curtain) raised etc. to reveal the stage (指舞台幕布)升起,拉起 24 (as 作 int.) get up 起来 25 (of a ship's helm) with rudder to leeward (指船舵轮)朝下风方向;向下风方向推船舵 26 in rebellion 起义;叛乱 ●prep. 1 upwards along, through, or into 沿着(通过)…向上;向上进入 climbed up the ladder 爬上梯子 2 from the bottom to the top of 从…底部到顶部 3 along 沿着 walked up the road 沿路走去 4a at or in a higher part of 在…的较高处 is situated up the street 位于街那头 b towards the source of (a river) 往(河的)源头,往…的上游,逆流而上 ●adj. 1 directed upwards 朝上的;竖直的,直立的 2 Brit. of travel towards a capital or centre [英] (指旅途)朝首都或中心方向的 the up train 上行列车; the up platform 上行列车站台 3 Brit. (of beer etc.) effervescent, frothy [英] (指啤酒等)起泡的,冒泡的 ●n. a spell of good fortune 幸运时期;成功时期;繁荣时期 ●v. (upped, upping) 1 intr. colloq. start up; begin abruptly to say or do something [口]突然站起;突然说;突然做某事 upped and hit him 霍地跳起来打他 2 intr. (foll. by 后跟 with) raise; pick up 举起,拿起,抬起 upped with his stick 举起他的手杖 3 tr. increase or raise, esp. abruptly (尤指突然)提高,增加;使上升;提升 upped all their prices 提高所有商品的价格 □ be all up with (with it as subject 以 it 作主语) be disastrous or hopeless for (a person) (指人)完蛋,无望,绝望 □ on the up and up colloq. [口] 1 Brit. steadily improving [英]稳步提高;越来越好 2 esp. N. Amer. honest(ly); on the level [尤北美]诚实的(地);光明磊落的(地);公正的(地) □ something is up colloq. something unusual or undesirable is afoot or happening [口]出事了(指不寻常的或不好的事情正在发生) □ up against 1 close to 接近于 2 in or into contact with 与…接触着;与…开始接触 3 colloq. confronted with [口]面对着,面临着 up against a problem 面临问题 □ up against it colloq. in great difficulties [口]面临困难的,面临困境的 □ up and about (or doing) having risen from bed; active 已起床走动的;积极的 □ up and down 1 to and fro (along) 来来回回,往返地;(沿…)来回 2 in every direction 在…各处;到处,四面八方 3 colloq. in varying health or spirits [口] (指健康或精神)起伏,一上一下 □ up for available for or being considered for (office etc.) 可供…的;准备,打算;提出供考虑(就任某职等)的 □ up hill and down dale up and down hills, or confronting many obstacles, on an arduous journey or in the fulfilment of an arduous task (在艰难的旅程中或在完成艰巨的任务时)翻山越谷或面对各种障碍 □ up in arms see 见 ARM2 □ up on informed about (a matter or subject) 了解(某事);精通(某一学科) □ up the pole see 见 POLE1 □ up the spout see 见 SPOUT □ up sticks see 见 STICK1 □ up to 1 until 直到 up to the present 直到现在,迄今为止 2 not more than 至多,最多 you can have up to five 你最多可以有 5 个 3 less than or equal to 一直到;不多于;多达 sums up to £ 10 合计共 10 英镑 4 incumbent on 取决于…的,须由…决定的;是…义不容辞的,是…职责所在的 it is up to you to say 理应由你来说 5 capable of or fit for 胜任;适于 am not up to a long walk 我感到体力不支,不能走长路 6 occupied or busy with 忙于… what have you been up to? 你最近在忙些什么? □ up to the mark see 见 MARK1 □ up to snuff see 见 SNUFF2 □ up to one's tricks see 见 TRICK □ up to a person's tricks see 见 TRICK □ up with int. expressing support for a stated person or thing (表示对所说的人或事表示支持) □ up yours coarse slang expressing contemptuous defiance or rejection [粗俗俚语] (表示污蔑性的藐视或反驳)操你妈的 □ what's up? colloq. [口] 1 what is going on? 出什么事了? 2 what is the matter? 怎么啦? [Old English up(p), uppe, related to Old High German ūf, from Germanic] |