释义 |
insultv. & n.●v. tr. /inˈsʌlt/ 1 speak to or treat with scornful abuse or indignity 辱骂;侮辱 2 offend the self-respect or modesty of 冒犯;攻击 ●n. /ˈinsʌlt/ 1 an insulting remark or action 侮辱的话语;蔑视的行为 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 to) something so worthless or contemptible as to be offensive 侮辱;凌辱 an insult to his intelligence 对他才智的侮辱 3 Med. 【医】a an agent causing damage to the body 损害身体的药剂 b such damage (药剂造成的)损害 □ insulter n.□ insulting adj.□ insultingly adv.[French insulte or Latin insultare (as IN-2, saltare, frequentative of salire salt- ‘leap’)] |