释义 |
space/speis/ n. & v.●n. 1a a continuous unlimited area or expanse which may or may not contain objects etc. 空间 b an interval between one, two, or three-dimensional points or objects 距离,间隔,间距 a space of 10 metres 10 米的间隔 c an empty area; room 空地;空间 clear a space in the corner 在角落里清理出一块空地; occupies too much space 占地太多了 d any of a limited number of places for a person or thing 空位 no spaces left at the table 桌旁没有空位了 2 a large unoccupied region 空地,场地 the wide open spaces 开阔的场地 3a (also 亦作 outer space) the physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere 外层空间 b the near-vacuum extending between the planets and stars, containing small amounts of gas and dust 太空,宇宙空间 4 an interval of time 时间,间隔 in the space of an hour 在一小时内 5 the amount of paper used in writing etc. (用于书写等的)篇幅 hadn't the space to discuss it 没有篇幅来讨论它了 6a a slot in a newspaper or between television or radio programmes for advertising (报纸上的)广告版面;(电视或广播节目的)广告时段 he sells space 他出售广告版面 b (in full 全称 commercial space) an area rented or sold as business premises (用于出租或出售的)商务场所 7a a blank between printed, typed, or written words, etc. (印刷、打字或书写等的)空格,间隔 b Printing a piece of metal providing this 【印刷】空铅,隔条 8 Mus. each of the blanks between the lines of a staff 【音】(五线谱的)线间空白 9 freedom to think, be oneself, etc. 思考的空间(如独处等) need my own space 需要独处一会 ●v. tr. 1 set or arrange at intervals 设定间隔,按间隔排开 2 put spaces between (esp. words, letters, lines, etc. in printing, typing, or writing) (在印刷、打字或书写中尤指字、字母、行等之间)留出间隔 3 (as 作 spaced adj.) (often foll. by 常后跟 out) slang in a state of euphoria or disorientation, esp. from taking drugs [俚语] (尤指因吸毒而变得)欣喜异常,神智不清 □ space out spread out with more or wider spaces or intervals between 留出更大间隔 □ spacer n.□ spacing n. (esp. in sense 2 of v. 尤用于动词释义 2)[Middle English via Old French espace from Latin spatium] |