释义 |
copy/ˈkɒpi/ n. & v.●n. (pl. -ies) 1 a thing made to imitate or be identical to another 复制品,仿制物 2 a single specimen of a publication or issue (出版物的) (一)本,(一)份 ordered twenty copies 订购 20 份 3a matter to be printed 印刷稿 b material for a newspaper or magazine article (报刊杂志文章的)素材,题材 scandals make good copy 丑闻是有新闻价值的好题材 c the text of an advertisement 广告文字说明 4a a model to be copied 范本,字帖 b a page written after a model (of penmanship) (书法)摹本 ●v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr.a make a copy of 复印;复制 b (often foll. by 常后跟 out) transcribe 抄写,誊写 2 intr. make a copy rather than produce something original 拷贝;抄袭 3 tr. (foll. by 后跟 to) send a copy of (a letter) to a third party 把(信函的复印件)寄给第三方 4 tr. do the same as; imitate 模仿;仿效;仿制 [Middle English from Old French copie, copier, ultimately from Latin copia ‘abundance’, pl. ‘ability, opportunity’ (in medieval Latin = transcript, from such phrases as copiam describendi facere ‘give permission to transcribe’)] |