释义 |
unlike/ʌnˈlaik/ adj. & prep.●adj. 1 not like; different from 不像的;不相似的;相异的,和…不同的 is unlike both his parents 他不像父母 2 uncharacteristic of 非…的特点 such behaviour is unlike him 这样的行为举止不像是他 3 dissimilar, different 不同的 ●prep. differently from 不像…,和…不同 acts quite unlike anyone else 行为举止和别人都不一样 □ unlikeness n.[perhaps from Old Norse úlíkr, Old English ungelic: see LIKE1]■ Usage 用法说明 The use of unlike as a conjunction, e.g. She was behaving unlike she'd ever behaved before, is often condemned and is best avoided by using as instead. unlike 用作连词,如 She was behaving unlike she'd ever behaved before (她以前从未有过像这样的行为)时常常遭到非议,最好用 as 代替。 |