

单词 sort
释义 sort/sɔ:t/ n. & v.n. 1 a group of things etc. with common attributes; a class or kind 种类;类别;品种 2 (foll. by 后跟 of) roughly of the kind specified 性质;品质 is some sort of doctor 是个医生 3 colloq. a person of a specified character or kind []某一种人,某一类人 a good sort 一个好人 4 Printing a letter or piece in a fount of type 【印刷】(一套铅字中的)活字 5 Computing the arrangement of data in a prescribed sequence 【计算】分类,排序 6 archaic a manner or way [古义]举止;方式 v. tr. 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 out, over) arrange systematically or according to type, class, etc. 把…分类;整理 2 = sort out 3, 4 after a sort after a fashion 有些,略微 in some sort to a certain extent 稍微,有些 of a sort (or of sorts) colloq. not fully deserving the name []勉强称得上的;徒有其名的 a holiday of sorts 徒有其名的假日 out of sorts 1 slightly unwell 身体不适 2 in low spirits; irritable 情绪不佳;易怒的 sort of colloq. as it were; to some extent []有几分,稍微 I sort of expected it 我料到几分了 sort out 1 separate into sorts 整理,把…分类 2 select (things of one or more sorts) from a miscellaneous group 挑出;拣出 3 disentangle or put into order 清理,整理 4a resolve (a problem or difficulty) 解决(问题或困难) b solve the problems of (a person) 解决(某人的)问题 5 colloq. deal with or reprimand (a person) []惩处,责备(某人) sortable adj. sorter n. sorting n.[Middle English from Old French sorte, ultimately from Latin sors sortis ‘lot, condition’]
Usage 用法说明
See Usage Note at KIND1. KIND1 的用法说明。




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