释义 |
condemn/kənˈdem/v. tr. 1 express utter disapproval of; censure 谴责,责备;指摘 was condemned for his irresponsible behaviour 因为他不负责任的行为而受到谴责 2a find guilty; convict 宣告…有罪 b (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to) sentence to (a punishment, esp. death) 判处徒刑(尤指死刑) c bring about the conviction of 证明…有罪 his looks condemn him 他的神态就证明了他有罪 3 pronounce (a building etc.) unfit for use or habitation 宣告(建筑物等)不适于居住 4 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to) doom or assign (to something unwelcome or painful) 分派(苦差);注定受苦 condemned to spending hours at the kitchen sink 被迫在厨房刷几个小时的碗 5 declare (smuggled goods, property, etc.) to be forfeited 宣布没收(走私品、财产等) □ condemnable /-ˈdemnəb(ə)l/ adj. 应受谴责的,应定罪的 □ condemnation /kɒndemˈneiʃ(ə)n/ n.□ condemnatory /-ˈdemnət(ə)ri/ adj. 表示谴责的,定罪的 [Middle English via Old French condem(p)ner from Latin condemnare (as COM-, damnare DAMN)] |