

单词 complex
释义 complex/ˈkɒmpleks/ n. & adj.n. 1 a building, a series of rooms, a network, etc. made up of related parts (由相关部分构成的)一系列房屋,建筑群;网络系统 the arts complex 艺术中心 2 Psychol. a related group of usu. repressed feelings or thoughts which cause abnormal behaviour or mental states 【心】情结(通常由压抑的感情引起的不正常行为或精神状态) inferiority complex 自卑情结; Oedipus complex 俄狄浦斯情结,恋母情结 3 (in general use) a preoccupation or obsession (一般用法)成见,变态心理 has a complex about punctuality 对准时正点有一种病态执着 4 Chem. a compound in which molecules or ions form coordinate bonds to a metal atom or ion 【化】配位体化合物,络合物 adj. 1 consisting of related parts; composite 由相关部件组成的,组合的 2 complicated 复杂的,错综的 a complex problem 复杂的问题 3 Math. containing real and imaginary parts (cf. 参见 IMAGINARY) 【数】复的(包含实数和虚数部分的) complexity /kəmˈpleksiti/ n. (pl. -ies) complexly adv.[French complexe or Latin complexus, past part. of complectere ‘embrace’, associated with complexus ‘plaited’]




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