

单词 communicate
释义 communicate/kəˈmju:nikeit/v. 1 tr.a transmit or pass on by speaking or writing 传达,传递,传播 communicated his ideas 传达他的思想 b transmit (heat, motion, etc.) 传导(热量);传输(运动) c pass on (an infectious illness) 传染(疾病) d impart (feelings etc.) non-verbally 显露(感情等) communicated his affection 显露出他的情感 2 intr. be in communication; succeed in conveying information, evoking understanding, etc. 通讯,通话;(成功地)传递信息;使明白 he communicates well 他把自己的观点表达得很清楚 3 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 with) share a feeling or understanding; relate socially 交流感情,交际 4 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 with) (of a room etc.) have a common door (房间等)相通,有通门 my room communicates with yours 我的房间和你的相通 5a tr. administer Holy Communion to 给予圣餐 b intr. receive Holy Communion 领受圣餐 communicator n. communicatory adj.[Latin communicare communicat- (as COMMON)]




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