

单词 commission
释义 commission/kəˈmiʃ(ə)n/ n. & v.n. 1a the authority to perform a task or certain duties 授权,委托(任务或职责) b a person or group entrusted esp. by a government with such authority (由政府委任的)委员;委员会 set up a commission to look into it 成立一个委员会来调查这件事情 c an instruction, command, or duty given to such a group or person 所委职责,委托事项,任务 their commission was to simplify the procedure 他们的职责是简化该程序; my commission was to find him 我的任务是找到他 2 an order for something, esp. a work of art, to be produced specially (尤指艺术作品)委托制作 3 Mil. 【军】a a warrant conferring the rank of officer in an army, navy, or air force (陆、海、空军军官资格的)委任状,授衔令 b the rank so conferred 军官资格,军衔 4a the authority to act as agent for a company etc. in trade (贸易公司)代理人的委任 b a percentage paid to the agent from the profits of goods etc. sold, or business obtained 回扣 his salary is low, but he gets 20% commission 他的薪水并不高,可他有 20% 的回扣 c the pay of a commissioned agent 佣金 5 the act of committing (a crime, sin, etc.) (违法之事),犯() 6 the office or department of a commissioner 委员办公室,行政长官办公处 v. tr. 1 authorize or empower by a commission 委任,委托,授权 2a give (an artist etc.) a commission for a piece of work 委托(艺术家等)画画 b order (a work) to be written 委托(某人)写作品 commissioned a new concerto 委托写一首协奏曲 3 Naut. 【海】a give (an officer) the command of a ship 授权(某军官)为舰长 b prepare (a ship) for active service ()编入现役 4 bring (a machine, equipment, etc.) into operation (机器、设备等)投入运行 in commission (of a warship etc.) manned, armed, and ready for service (军舰等)准备好服现役 out of commission (esp. of a ship) not in service; not in working order (尤指军舰)退出服役,不能使用 [Middle English via Old French from Latin commissio -onis (as COMMIT)]




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