

单词 natural
释义 natural/ˈnætʃ(ə)r(ə)l/ adj. & n.adj. 1a existing in or caused by nature; not artificial 存在于自然中的;天然的;自然的 natural landscape 天然景色 b uncultivated; wild 未经培植的;野生的 existing in its natural state 存在于原始状态中 2 in the course of nature; not exceptional or miraculous 在自然过程中的;无例外的;无奇迹的 died of natural causes 自然死亡; a natural occurrence 自然发生的事 3 (of human nature etc.) not surprising; to be expected (人的本性等)不足为奇的;生就的 natural for her to be upset 她天生焦虑 4a (of a person or a person's behaviour) unaffected, easy, spontaneous (人或行为)不矫揉造作的;轻松的;自发的 b (foll. by 后跟 to) spontaneous, easy 自然的;随便的 friendliness is natural to him 他天生友善 5a (of qualities etc.) inherent; innate (特性等)固有的;天生的 a natural talent for music 音乐天才 b (of a person) having such qualities ()有某些特性的 a natural linguist 天生语言学家 6 not disguised or altered (as by make-up etc.) (通过化妆等)保持原样的;未改变的 7 lifelike; as if in nature 栩栩如生的;似真的 the portrait looked very natural 这幅画看起来栩栩如生 8 likely by its or their nature to be such 本性的 natural enemies 天敌; the natural antithesis 天生的对立面 9 having a physical existence as opposed to what is spiritual, intellectual, etc. 客观存在的;自然存在的(与精神、智力等相对) the natural world 自然界 10a related genetically 与血统有关的 her natural son 她的亲生儿子 b illegitimate 私生的 a natural child 私生子 11 based on the innate moral sense; instinctive 天性的;本能的 natural justice 天生正直 12 Mus. 【音】a (of a note) not sharpened or flattened (音符)本位音的,还原的 B natural B 本位音 b (of a scale) not containing any sharps or flats (音阶) (标有)还原记号的 c (of a key) having no sharps or flats (音键)本位的 13 not enlightened by revelation 未接受文明的;未接受启迪的 the natural man 蒙昧人 14 (of cotton, silk, etc.) having a colour characteristic of the unbleached and undyed state; off-white, creamy beige (棉、丝绸等)未漂白的;未染色的 n. 1 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) colloq. a person or thing naturally suitable, adept, expert, etc. []天生适合的(熟练的、老练等的)(或物) a natural for the championship 天生冠军 2 archaic a person mentally deficient from birth [古义] (出生时先天不足的)笨人;白痴 3 Mus. 【音】a a sign (‹F024›) denoting a return to natural pitch after a sharp or a flat 还原符号 (‹F024›) b a natural note 本位音 c a white key on a piano (钢琴上的)白键 4a Cards a hand making 21 in the first deal in pontoon 【牌戏】( 21 点游戏中)第一次发牌就得 21 b a throw of 7 or 11 at craps 掷骰子掷出 7( 11) 5 a pale fawn colour 淡黄褐色 naturalness n.[Middle English via Old French naturel from Latin naturalis (as NATURE)]




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