

单词 naked
释义 naked/ˈneikid/adj. 1 without clothes; nude 裸体的;无点缀的 2 plain; undisguised; exposed 明显的;无伪装的;无掩蔽的 the naked truth 赤裸裸的事实; his naked soul 他坦露的心灵 3 (of a light, flame, etc.) unprotected from the wind etc.; unshaded (灯光、火焰等) (对风等)无保护的;没有遮拦的 4 defenceless 无防卫的;易受攻击的 5 without addition, comment, support, evidence, etc. 无任何添加(评论、支持、证据等) his naked word 单单他的话而已; naked assertion 无证据的断言 6a (of landscape) barren; treeless (风景)光禿的;无树的 b (of rock) exposed; without soil etc. (岩石)裸露(无泥土等覆盖) 7 (of a sword etc.) unsheathed (剑等)出鞘的 8 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 of) devoid; without 缺乏的;没有的 9 without leaves, hairs, scales, shell, etc. 没有树叶(毛发、鳞、壳等) 10 (of a room, wall, etc.) without decoration, furnishings, etc.; empty, plain (房间、墙壁等)没有装饰(家具等)的;空的;简单的 nakedly adv. nakedness n.[Old English nacod, from Germanic]




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