释义 |
insiden., adj., adv. & prep.●n. /inˈsaid/ 1a the inner side or surface of a thing 里面;内部 b the inner part; the interior 里面部分;内心 2a the side of a path next to the wall or away from the road (道路的)内侧,离车道较远的一边 b Brit. (of a double-decker bus) the lower section [英] (双层汽车的)下层 3 (usu. in pl. 通常用复数) colloq. the stomach and bowels [口]肠胃 something wrong with my insides 我的肠胃不太舒服 4 colloq. a position affording inside information [口]能通内情的位置 knows someone on the inside 认识一个熟知内情的人 ●adj. /ˈinsaid/ 1 situated on or in, or derived from, the inside 里面的;内部的 2 Hockey & (now less often) Football nearer to the centre of the field 【曲棍球】(现较少使用)【足球】距球场中央较近的 inside forward 内锋; inside left 左内锋; inside right 右内锋 ●adv. /inˈsaid/ 1 on, in, or to the inside 在里面;往里面 2 slang in prison [俚语]在监牢里 ●prep. /inˈsaid/ 1 on the inner side of; within 在…里面;往…里面 inside the house 在屋里 2 in less than 在…以内;少于 inside an hour 不到一小时 □ inside of colloq. in less than (a week etc.) [口]在…以内;少于(一星期等)[IN + SIDE] |