释义 |
cock1/kɒk/ n. & v.●n. 1a a male bird, esp. of a domestic fowl 雄禽; (尤指)公鸡 b Brit. a male lobster, crab, or salmon [英]雄龙虾;雄蟹;雄鲑 c = WOODCOCK 2 Brit. slang (usu. 通常作 old cock as a form of address 打招呼的一种形式) a friend; a fellow [英] [俚语]老兄,伙计 3 coarse slang the penis [粗俗俚语]阴茎 4 Brit. slang nonsense [英] [俚语]废话,无稽之谈 5a a firing lever in a gun which can be raised to be released by the trigger (枪的)撞针,击铁 b the cocked position of this (撞针的)待发位置 at full cock 枪处于全击发状态,准备射击 6 a tap or valve controlling flow (水)龙头,旋塞 ●v. tr. 1 raise or make upright or erect 使竖起,使翘起 2 turn or move (the eye or ear) attentively or knowingly 竖起(耳朵);移动(目光) 3 set aslant, or turn up the brim of (a hat) 歪戴(帽子),使(帽檐)朝上 4 raise the cock of (a gun) 扣动(枪的)扳机 □ at half cock only partly ready (枪)处于半击发状态 □ cock a snook see 见 SNOOK1 □ cock up Brit. slang bungle; make a mess of [英] [俚语]把…搞糟;把…弄乱 [Old English cocc and Old French coq, probably from medieval Latin coccus] |