

单词 click
释义 click/klik/ n. & v.n. 1 a slight sharp sound as of a switch being operated (开启电键时的)咔嗒声,喀嚓声 2 a speech sound in some languages, produced as a type of plosive by sudden withdrawal of the tongue from the soft palate (某些语言中的)吸气音 3 a catch in machinery acting with a slight sharp sound (机器中发出轻微尖声的)棘爪 4 an action causing a horse's hind foot to touch the shoe of a fore foot (使马前后蹄相碰的)动作 v. 1a intr. make a click 发咔嗒(或喀嚓) b tr. cause (one's tongue, heels, etc.) to click 使舌头(鞋后跟等)发出咔嗒声 2 intr. colloq. []a become clear or understandable 变得明白(或可理解) often prec. by it as subject 常前接 it 作主语 : when I saw them it all clicked 当我看到它们以后,一切都豁然开朗了 b be successful, secure one's object. 成功,达到目的 c (foll. by 后跟 with) become friendly, esp. with a person of the opposite sex (尤指对异性)变得友好 d come to an agreement 达成协议,达成一致 3 intr. & tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 on) Computing press (one of the buttons on a mouse); select (an item represented on the screen, a particular function, etc.) by so doing 【计算】按动(鼠标);按动鼠标选取(屏幕上的项目或功能等) clicker n.[imitative: cf. Dutch klikken, French cliquer]




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