

单词 mortal
释义 mortal/ˈmɔ:t(ə)l/ adj. & n.adj. 1 (of a living being, esp. a human) subject to death (生物,尤指人)终有一死的 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 to) causing death; fatal 致死的;致命的 3 (of a battle) fought to the death (战斗)殊死的 4 associated with death 死亡的 mortal agony 临死的痛苦 5 (of an enemy) implacable (敌人)不共戴天的;难宽恕的 6 (of pain, fear, an affront, etc.) intense, very serious (疼痛、恐惧、冒犯等)剧烈的;严重的 7 colloq. []a very great 极度的 in a mortal hurry 极匆忙地 b long and tedious 漫长得令人生厌的 for two mortal hours 非常难熬的两个小时 8 colloq. conceivable, imaginable []可想到的;想像得出的 every mortal thing 世间一切东西; of no mortal use 全无用处 n. 1 a mortal being, esp. a human 生物(尤指人) 2 joc. a person described in some specified way [] a thirsty mortal 口渴的人 mortally adv.[Middle English from Old French mortal, mortel or Latin mortalis from mors mortis ‘death’]




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