

单词 moral
释义 moral/ˈmɒr(ə)l/ adj. & n.adj. 1a concerned with goodness or badness of human character or behaviour, or with the distinction between right and wrong 道德上的 b concerned with accepted rules and standards of human behaviour 道德行为标准的 2a conforming to accepted standards of general conduct 符合道德准则的 b capable of moral action 有道德观念的 man is a moral agent 人是有道德的行为者 3 (of rights or duties etc.) founded on moral law (权利和义务等)道义上的 4a concerned with morals or ethics 道德的;道义的 moral philosophy 伦理学 b (of a literary work etc.) dealing with moral conduct (文学作品等)道德教育的 5 concerned with or leading to a psychological effect associated with confidence in a right action 精神上的;心理上的;道义上的 moral courage 坚持正义的勇气; moral support 道义上的援助; moral victory 精神胜利 n. 1a a moral lesson (esp. at the end) of a fable, story, event, etc. (尤指在寓言、故事、事件等结尾时引出的)道德上的教训;寓意 b a moral maxim or principle 格言;真谛 2 (in pl. 用复数) moral behaviour, e.g. in sexual conduct 道德;品行;道德规范(如性行为) morally adv.[Middle English from Latin moralis, from mos moris ‘custom’, pl. mores ‘morals’]




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