

单词 try
释义 try/trai/ v. & n.v. (-ies, -ied) 1 intr. make an effort with a view to success 设法;尽量 often foll. by 常后跟 to + infin.; colloq. [] foll. by 后跟 and + infin.: tried to be on time 尽量准时; try and be early 尽量早点; I shall try hard 我将尽量努力 2 tr. make an effort to achieve 努力,尽力;试图;尝试 tried my best 尽了我最大的努力; had better try something easier 最好试一下更容易的事情 3 tr.a test (the quality of a thing) by use or experiment 试用;实验 b test the qualities of (a person or thing) 试,尝试 try it before you buy 你在买之前先试一下 4 tr. make severe demands on (a person, quality, etc.) (人、质量等)进行考验;提出严格要求 my patience has been sorely tried 我的耐心受到了严峻考验 5 tr. examine the effectiveness or usefulness of for a purpose 检验;试验 try cold water 检验冷水; try the off-licence 查验外卖酒类执照; have you tried kicking it? 你试过用脚踢吗? 6 tr. ascertain the state of fastening of (a door, window, etc.) 试着推(门、窗等)看是否关紧 7 tr.a investigate and decide (a case or issue) judicially 审理,审判(案子);决断(问题) b subject (a person) to trial 使(某人)受审 will be tried for murder 将因谋杀罪受到审判 8 tr. make an experiment in order to find out 试验;验证 let us try which takes longest 我们验证一下哪一个花的时间最长 9 intr. (foll. by 后跟 for)a apply or compete for 试用;争取 b seek to reach or attain 企图达到;立志要 am going to try for a gold medal 我立志要夺一枚金牌 10 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 out)a extract (oil) from fat by heating (通过加热从脂肪中)提炼() b treat (fat) in this way 提取(油脂) 11 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 up) smooth (roughly planed wood) with a plane to give an accurately flat surface 使(粗糙的木头平面)光滑平整 n. (pl. -ies) 1 an effort to accomplish something; an attempt 试,尝试;试图;努力 give it a try 试一下吧 2 Rugby the act of touching the ball down behind the opposing goal line, scoring points and entitling the scoring side to a kick at goal 【英式橄榄球】在对方球门线后带球触地得分(并可获得踢定位球的权利) 3 Amer. Football an attempt to score an extra point in various ways after a touchdown 【美式橄榄球】触地得分 try conclusions with see CONCLUSION try a fall with contend with 与…竞争(或争论) try for size try out or test for suitability 试其是否合适 try one's hand see how skilful one is, esp. at the first attempt (尤指第一次)让某人试试,做来看看 try it on Brit. colloq. [英口] 1 test another's patience 试试看 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 with) attempt to outwit, deceive, or seduce another person 耍弄;欺骗;勾引 try on put on (clothes etc.) to see if they fit or suit the wearer 试穿(衣服等) try out 1 put to the test 试用;试验;考验 2 test thoroughly 彻底检验 [Middle English, = separate, distinguish, etc., from Old French trier ‘sift’, of unknown origin]
Usage 用法说明
Use of the verb try with and (see sense 1 above) is uncommon in the past tense and in negative contexts (except in the imperative, e.g. Don't try and get the better of me). 动词 try and 一起使用(见上面释义 1) 在过去时态和否定句里并不常见(祈使句例外,如 Don't try and get the better of me (不要试图超过我))




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