释义 |
circle/ˈsɜ:k(ə)l/ n. & v.●n. 1a a round plane figure whose circumference is everywhere equidistant from its centre 圆,圆圈 b the line enclosing a circle 圆周线 2 a roundish enclosure or structure 环形围栏(或建筑) 3 a ring 戒指 4 a curved upper tier of seats in a theatre etc. (剧场等中的)弧形梯级座位 dress circle 剧场中供穿夜礼服观众坐的第一层楼厅的前排座位 5 a circular route 环形路线 6 US [美] = CIRCUS n. 3 7 Archaeol. a group of (usu. large embedded) stones arranged in a circle 【考古】圆形巨石阵 8 Hockey 【曲棍球】 = STRIKING-CIRCLE 9 persons grouped round a centre of interest (具有共同利益或兴趣者形成的)圈子,伙,组 10 a set or class or restricted group 阶层,界 literary circles 文学界; not done in the best circles 不符合最上等阶层的规矩 11 a period or cycle 周期,循环 the circle of the year 岁月的循环 12 (in full 全称 vicious circle)a an unbroken sequence of reciprocal cause and effect 恶性循环 b an action and reaction that intensify each other (cf. 参见 VIRTUOUS CIRCLE) 良性循环 c the fallacy of proving a proposition from another which depends on the first for its own proof 循环论证,循环定义 ●v. 1 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 round, about) move in a circle 环行,盘旋 2 tr.a revolve round 使转圈;环绕…运行 b form a circle round 围起,圈起 □ circle back move in a wide loop towards the starting point 兜圈子往回转 □ come full circle return to the starting point 兜了个圈子回到原处 □ go round in circles make no progress despite effort 在原地兜圈子;(虽努力但)毫无进展 □ run round in circles colloq. be fussily busy with little result [口]瞎忙,空忙 [Middle English via Old French cercle from Latin circulus, diminutive of circus ‘ring’] |