释义 |
triumph/ˈtraiʌmf/ n. & v.●n. 1a the state of being victorious or successful 胜利;凯旋 returned home in triumph 凯旋而归 b a great success or achievement 非凡的成功,杰出的成就 2 a supreme example 最好的例子;典范 a triumph of engineering 工程学的一个最好例子 3 joy at success; exultation (成功的)喜悦;狂喜 could see triumph in her face 可以看出她脸上的喜悦之情 4 Rom. Hist. the processional entry of a victorious general into ancient Rome [罗马]【史】(古罗马得胜将军的)凯旋入城式 ●v. intr. 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 over) gain a victory; be successful; prevail 获胜,得胜;成功 2 ride in triumph 举行凯旋式 3 (often foll. by 常后跟 over) exult 洋洋得意,耀武扬威 [Middle English from Old French triumphe (n.), triumpher (v.), from Latin triump(h)us, probably from Greek thriambos ‘hymn to Bacchus’] |