释义 |
money/ˈmʌni/n. 1a a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes 货币 b a particular form of this 特种货币 silver money 银币 2 (pl. -eys or -ies) (in pl. 用复数) sums of money 金额 3a wealth; property viewed as convertible into money 财富;财产;资产 b wealth as giving power or influence 财力 money speaks 金钱万能,钱能通神 c a rich person or family 富人;有钱人家 has married into money 嫁到有钱人家 4a money as a resource 金钱 time is money 时间就是金钱 b profit, remuneration 赢利;酬金 in it for the money 这里是按价行事 □ for my money in my opinion or judgement; for my preference 据我来看,依我见 is too aggressive for my money 我看太过于自信了 □ have money to burn see 见 BURN1 □ in the money colloq. having or winning a lot of money [口]有钱的;富裕的;赢钱的 □ money for jam (or old rope) Brit. colloq. profit for little or no trouble [英口]容易赚的钱;不费吹灰之力的事 □ put money into invest in 投资于 □ moneyless adj.[Middle English via Old French moneie from Latin moneta ‘mint, money’, originally a title of the goddess Juno, in whose temple at Rome money was minted] |