释义 |
trick/trik/ n. & v.●n. 1 an action or scheme undertaken to fool, outwit, or deceive (故意愚弄、智胜或欺骗人的)诡计,计谋,花招;欺诈,欺骗 2 an optical or other illusion 假象,幻觉,错觉 a trick of the light 灯光的幻觉 3 a special technique; a knack or special way of doing something 特技;窍门 4a a feat of skill or dexterity 技巧,绝技 b an unusual action (e.g. begging) learnt by an animal 戏法,把戏;(动物经过训练学会的)绝技表演 5 a mischievous, foolish, or discreditable act; a practical joke 恶作剧;戏弄 a mean trick to play 玩了一个卑鄙的恶作剧 6 a peculiar or characteristic habit or mannerism 习惯,习气;特色,特点 has a trick of repeating himself 有一个说话老是重复的习惯 7a the cards played in a single round of a card game, usu. one from each player (玩纸牌时每人出一张后的)一圈;一墩 b such a round 一圈所打的牌;一墩牌 c a point gained as a result of this 打一圈后所赢的牌 8 (作 attrib.) done to deceive or mystify or to create an illusion 骗人的;故意制造假象的;特技的;晦涩难懂的 trick photography 特技摄影; trick question 晦涩难懂的问题 9 Naut. a sailor's turn at the helm, usu. two hours 【海】(舵手的)值班时间(常为两小时) 10 slang [俚语]a a prostitute's session with a client 妓女接客 b a prostitute's client 嫖客 ●v. tr. 1 deceive by a trick; outwit 欺骗;愚弄;算计 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 out of, or into + verbal noun) cheat; treat deceitfully so as to deprive 哄骗;欺诈 were tricked into agreeing 被哄骗得同意; were tricked out of their savings 被骗走了积蓄 3 (of a thing) foil or baffle; take by surprise; disappoint the calculations of (指事情)受挫;使落空;使吃惊;使感意外 □ do the trick colloq. accomplish one's purpose; achieve the required result [口]达到目的;达到理想的结果 □ how's tricks? colloq. how are you? [口]你好吗? □ not miss a trick see 见 MISS1 □ trick of the trade a special usu. ingenious technique or method of achieving a result in an industry or profession etc. (在某一行业中取得成效的)绝招(或窍门);做生意的花招,吸引顾客的办法 □ trick or treat esp. N. Amer. a children's custom of calling at houses at Hallowe'en with the threat of pranks if they are not given a small gift [尤北美]不招待就捣蛋(指万圣节时孩子们挨家逐户要小礼物,如不遂愿便恶作剧一番的习俗) □ trick out (or up) dress, decorate, or deck out esp. showily (尤指为了炫耀而)打扮;装饰;修饰 □ turn a trick slang (of a prostitute) have a session with a client [俚语] (指妓女)接客 □ up to one's tricks colloq. misbehaving [口]调皮捣蛋,耍花招 □ up to a person's tricks aware of what a person is likely to do by way of mischief 识破某人的花招 □ tricker n.□ trickish adj.[Middle English from Old French dialect trique, Old French triche, from trichier ‘deceive’, of unknown origin] |