

单词 cherry
释义 cherry/ˈtʃeri/ n. & adj.n. (pl. -ies) 1a a small soft round stone fruit 樱桃 b (also 亦作 cherry tree) any of several trees of the genus Prunus bearing this or grown for their ornamental flowers 樱桃树(樱桃属植物,结樱桃或仅开花供观赏) 2 = CHERRYWOOD 3 coarse slang [粗俗俚语]a virginity 处女,童贞 b the hymen 处女膜 4 a bright deep red colour 樱桃色,鲜红色 adj. of a bright deep red colour 樱桃色的,鲜红色的 [Middle English via Old Norman French cherise (taken as pl.: cf. PEA) from medieval Latin ceresia, perhaps via Latin from Greek kerasos]




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