

单词 treat
释义 treat/tri:t/ v. & n.v. 1 tr. act or behave towards or deal with (a person or thing) in a certain way (以某种方式)对待(某人或某事);看待;视为 treated me kindly 对我很好; treat it as a joke 把这当作一个玩笑 2 tr. deal with or apply a process to; act upon to obtain a particular result 对付;处理 treat it with acid 用酸来处理它 3 tr. apply medical care or attention to 医疗,医治 4 tr. present or deal with (a subject) in literature or art (文学艺术作品中)描绘,描述;表现(某一主题) 5 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 to) provide with food or drink or entertainment at one's own expense (自己花费)款待,招待,请() treated us to dinner 请我们吃饭 6 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 with) negotiate terms (with a person) (与某人)谈判,协商 7 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 of) give a spoken or written exposition (口头)阐述,讲解;(书面)评注 n. 1 an event or circumstance (esp. when unexpected or unusual) that gives great pleasure (尤指未曾预料的或不同寻常的、能带来极大快乐的)乐事,乐趣 2 a meal, entertainment, etc., provided by one person for the enjoyment of another or others 款待,请客,作东(请别人吃饭、娱乐等) 3 (prec. by 前接 a) Brit. extremely good or well []极好,很出色 they looked a treat 他们看上去好极了; has come on a treat 已出现很好的迹象 treatable adj. treater n. treating n.[Middle English via Anglo-French treter, Old French traitier from Latin tractare ‘handle’, frequentative of trahere tract- ‘draw, pull’]




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