

单词 cheat
释义 cheat/tʃi:t/ v. & n.v. 1 tr.a (often foll. by 常后跟 into, out of) deceive or trick 欺骗;哄骗;骗取 cheated into parting with his savings 哄骗他花掉了他的积蓄 b (foll. by 后跟 of) deprive of 剥夺,使丧失 cheated of a chance to reply 使丧失了复信的机会 2 intr. gain unfair advantage by deception or breaking rules, esp. in a game or examination 行骗;(尤指在游戏或考试中)作弊 3 tr. avoid (something undesirable) by luck or skill (幸运或狡黠地)逃避,逃脱 cheated the bad weather 躲过了坏天气 4 tr. archaic divert attention from, beguile (time, tedium, etc.) [古义]转移(注意力);消磨(时间等);消除(厌烦等) n. 1 a person who cheats 骗子 2 a trick, fraud, or deception 欺骗,骗局,诡计 3 an act of cheating 欺诈行为 cheat on colloq. be sexually unfaithful to [] (在男女关系上)表现不忠 [Middle English chete from achete, variant of ESCHEAT]




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