

单词 touch
释义 touch/tʌtʃ/ v. & n.v. 1 tr. come into or be in physical contact with (another thing) at one or more points 触或碰到(另一东西) 2 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 with) bring the hand etc. into contact with (用手等) touched her arm 摸她的手臂 3a intr. (of two things etc.) be in or come into contact with one another (指两物等)相碰,相互接触 the balls were touching 两球相碰 b tr. bring (two things) into mutual contact 使(两种东西)相碰,相互接触 they touched hands 他们相互碰了碰对方的手 4 tr. rouse tender or painful feelings in 触动,感动;触及…的痛处,伤害…的感情 was touched by his appeal 被他的请求感动了 5 tr. strike lightly 轻击;轻碰 just touched the wall with the back bumper 只是后保险杠轻碰了一下墙壁 6 tr. (usu. with neg. 通常与否定词连用)a disturb or interfere with 干扰,干预 don't touch my things 别干预我的事 b have any dealings with 涉及,涉足 won't touch bricklaying 不会干砌砖的活儿 c consume; use up; make use of 消费;吃,喝;使用,利用 dare not touch alcohol 不敢喝酒; has not touched her breakfast 她还没吃早餐; need not touch your savings 不必动用你的积蓄 d cope with; affect; manage 对付;对…发生作用 soap won't touch this dirt 肥皂除不掉这种污迹 7 tr.a deal with (a subject) lightly or in passing 谈及(话题),论及 touched the matter of their expenses 谈到了他们花销的事 b concern 涉及,关系到 it touches you closely 这与你关系密切 8 tr.a reach or rise as far as, esp. momentarily (尤指暂时性地)达到,上升到 the thermometer touched 90° 温度计达到了 90° b (usu. with neg. 通常与否定词连用) approach in excellence etc. 比得上,敌得过 can't touch him for style 在派头方面没法跟他比 9 tr. affect slightly; modify 轻微影响;改变 pity touched with fear 因害怕而有些可怜 10 tr. (as touched adj.) colloq. slightly mad []神经轻微失常的 11 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 in) esp. Art mark lightly, put in (features etc.) with a brush, pencil, etc. ()【艺术】(用画笔、铅笔等)轻轻勾勒出(特征等) 12 tr.a strike (the keys, strings, etc., of a musical instrument) 弹拨(乐器的琴键、琴弦等) b strike the keys or strings of (a piano etc.) 弹拨(钢琴等的)琴键或琴弦 13 tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) slang ask for and get money etc. from (a person) as a loan or gift [俚语](某人)借贷(或索要)钱款等 touched him for 5 向他借了 5 英镑 14 tr. injure slightly (轻度地)伤害 blossom touched by frost 霜冻使花受到了轻微的伤害 15 tr. Geom. be tangent to (a curve) 【几】与(曲线)正切,切触 n. 1 the act or an instance of touching, esp. with the body or hand (尤指用身体或手)触,摸,碰 felt a touch on my arm 感觉有人在我手臂上摸了一下 2a the faculty of perception through physical contact, esp. with the fingers (尤指手指的)触觉,触感 has no sense of touch in her right arm 她的右臂没有触觉 b the qualities of an object etc. as perceived in this way (物体等的)质感 the soft touch of silk 丝绸的柔软质感 3 a small amount; a slight trace 少量,少许;一点(痕迹) a touch of salt 少量的盐; a touch of irony 有点儿讽刺意味 4a a musician's manner of playing keys or strings (音乐家的)弹奏法;指法 b the manner in which the keys or strings respond to touch (按琴键的)指触;(弹琴弦的)指法功夫 c an artist's or writer's style of workmanship, writing, etc. (艺术家或作家的)手法,写作风格 has a delicate touch 有着很细腻的风格 5a a distinguishing quality or trait 特色,特性 a rather amateur touch 颇有业余化的特性 b a special skill or proficiency 特长;特技 have lost my touch 已丢掉了我的特长 6 (esp. in pl. 尤用复数)a a light stroke with a pen, pencil, etc. (钢笔、铅笔等的)轻轻勾画 b a slight alteration or improvement 细小的改动;润色 speech needs a few touches 演讲需要作几处细微的改动 7 = TAG2 1 8 (prec. by 前接 a) slightly 稍微 is a touch too arrogant 稍微自负了点 9 slang [俚语]a the act of asking for and getting money etc. from a person 借钱,讨钱,要钱 b a person from whom money etc. is so obtained 被讨钱的人 10 Football the part of the field outside the side limits 【足球】边线以外地区 11 archaic a test with or as if with a touchstone [古义]试验,考验 put it to the touch 试它一下 at a touch if touched, however lightly 一碰() opened at a touch 一碰就打开了 get (or put) in (or into) touch with come or cause to come into communication with; contact 与…联系,接触 in touch (often foll. by 常后跟 with) 1 in communication 有联系,有接触 we're still in touch after all these years 过了这么多年我们仍然保持着联系 2 up to date, esp. regarding news etc. (尤指新闻等)追踪联系;接触 keeps in touch with events 保持对事件的关注 3 aware, conscious, empathetic 明白的;有意识的;同感的 not in touch with her own feelings 没有意识到自己的感情 keep in touch (often foll. by 常后跟 with) 1 remain informed 保持联系,保持了解 kept in touch with the latest developments 一直了解最新的发展 2 continue correspondence, a friendship, etc. 继续保持(通讯、友情等) lose touch (often foll. by 常后跟 with) 1 cease to be informed 不再了解 2 cease to correspond with or be in contact with another person (另一人)失去联系 lose one's touch not show one's customary skill 丢掉了自己的特长 out of touch (often foll. by 常后跟 with) 1 not in correspondence 不再有联系 2 not up to date or modern 不时兴的;不够现代的 3 lacking in awareness or sympathy 缺乏意识的;缺乏理解的 out of touch with his son's beliefs 对他儿子的信仰缺乏理解 to the touch when touched 摸起来 was cold to the touch 摸起来是凉的 touch at (of a ship) call at (a port etc.) (指轮船)(港口等地)停泊 touch base see BASE1 touch bottom 1 reach the bottom of water with one's feet 双脚触及水底 2 be at the lowest or worst point 达到最低(或最坏) 3 Brit. be in possession of the full facts []追根究底,深究 touch down 1a Rugby touch the ground with the ball behind one's own or esp. the opponents' goal line 【英式橄榄球】(尤指进攻方)持球触地 b Amer. Football score by being in possession of the ball behind the opponents' goal line 【美式橄榄球】持球触地得分 2 (of an aircraft or spacecraft) make contact with the ground in landing (指飞机或宇宙飞船)降落,着陆 touch off 1 represent exactly (in a portrait etc.) 精确地画出,勾划出 2 explode by touching with a match etc. (擦火柴等)引爆 3 initiate (a process) suddenly 触发,引发,引起(某程序) touched off a run on the pound 引起英镑挤兑 touch on (or upon) 1 treat (a subject) briefly, refer to or mention casually (简略或顺便地)谈及(话题);提及 2 verge on 接近于,频于 that touches on impudence 那接近于无礼 touch up 1 give finishing touches to or retouch (a picture, writing, etc.) (画、文章等)作最后的修改,修饰,润色 2 Brit. slang [] [俚语]a caress so as to excite sexually 爱抚以产生性欲 b sexually molest 性骚扰,调戏 3 strike (a horse) lightly with a whip 用鞭子轻轻抽() touch wood esp. Brit. touch something wooden with the hand to avert ill luck [尤英]用手摸木制的东西以驱邪避灾 would not touch with a bargepole see BARGEPOLE touchable adj.[Middle English from Old French tochier, tuchier (v.), touche (n.): probably imitative: cf. Provençal toc, Italian tocco ‘a knock’]




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