

单词 toss
释义 toss/tɒs/ v. & n.v. 1 tr. throw up (a ball etc.), esp. with the hand (尤指用手)向上抛(球等) 2 tr. & intr. roll about, throw, or be thrown, restlessly or from side to side 到处扔;把…抛来抛去;使摇晃;使颠簸 the ship tossed on the ocean 船在大洋上颠簸; was tossing and turning all night 整晚上都在翻来覆去 3 tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to, away, aside, out, etc.) throw (a thing) lightly or carelessly (轻轻地或不经意地)扔,掷(某物) tossed the letter away 不经意地把那封信扔掉了 4 tr.a throw (a coin) into the air to decide a choice etc. by the side on which it lands (为了作出选择而)掷,抛掷(硬币) b (also absol. [亦含宾]; often foll. by 常后跟 for) settle a question or dispute with (a person) in this way 以掷钱币的方式(与某人)解决问题(或争端) tossed him for the armchair 用掷钱币的方式决定了他坐这把扶手椅; tossed for it 用掷钱币的方式决定了此事 5 tr.a (of a bull etc.) throw (a person etc.) up with the horns (牛等)用角把(人等)抛起来 b (of a horse etc.) throw (a rider) off its back (马等)(骑手)摔下背 6 tr. coat (food) with dressing etc. by shaking (用调料等)拌匀(食品) 7 tr. bandy about in debate; discuss 斗嘴中辩论;讨论,议论 tossed the question back and forth 把那个问题辩来辩去 n. 1 the act or an instance of tossing (a coin, the head, etc.) 掷钱币;甩头 2 Brit. a fall, esp. from a horse [] (尤指从马背上)摔下 toss one's head throw it back esp. in anger, impatience, etc. (尤指气愤地或不耐烦地)把头一甩 tossing the caber the Scottish sport of throwing a tree trunk (苏格兰人扔树干的)掷远比赛 toss oars raise oars to an upright position in salute 举桨致敬 toss off 1 drink off at a draught 一饮而尽 2 dispatch (work) rapidly or without effort 轻而易举地做好(工作) tossed off an omelette 轻而易举地做好了煎蛋饼 3 Brit. coarse slang masturbate [] [粗俗俚语]手淫 toss a pancake throw it up so that it flips on to the other side in the frying pan 在锅里抛翻煎饼 toss up toss a coin to decide a choice etc. 掷硬币作出抉择 [16th c.: origin unknown]




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