

单词 top
释义 top1/tɒp/ n., adj. & v.n. 1 the highest point or part 顶,顶端,顶部 the top of the house 房顶 2a the highest rank or place 最高的排名(或地位) at the top of the school 位居全校之首 b a person occupying this 居首位的人,拔尖的人 was top in maths 在数学方面拔尖 c esp. Brit. the upper end or head [尤英]上端;头上,头顶 the top of the table 桌面 3 the upper surface of a thing, esp. of the ground, a table, etc. (尤指地面、桌子等的)上面 4 the upper part of a thing, esp. (某物的)上部,(尤指) : a a blouse, jumper, etc. for wearing with a skirt, trousers, etc. (与裙子或裤子等配套穿的)上身衣衫 b the upper part of a shoe or boot (鞋或靴子的)上部,鞋面 c the stopper of a bottle (瓶的)盖,顶盖 d the lid of a jar, saucepan, etc. (罐、锅等的) e esp. Brit. the creamy part of milk [尤英] (奶的)奶油部分 f the folding roof of a car, pram, or carriage (车的)折叠篷,顶篷 g the upper edge or edges of a page or pages in a book (书页的)上端 gilt top 烫金书边 5 the utmost degree; height 顶点,最高度 called at the top of his voice 以最高的声音叫喊 6 the high-frequency component of reproduced sound 高音频 7 (in pl. 用复数) colloq. a person or thing of the best quality []顶呱呱的人;最佳的东西 he's tops at cricket 他是个顶呱呱的板球手 8 (esp. in pl. 尤用复数) the leaves etc. of a plant grown esp. for its root (尤指直根植物的)茎叶 turnip-tops 萝卜茎叶 9 (usu. in pl. 通常用复数) a bundle of long wool fibres prepared for spinning (准备纺纱用的)毛条;纤维条 10 Naut. a platform round the head of each of the lower masts of a sailing ship, serving to extend the topmost rigging or carry guns 【海】(轮船低桅杆顶部装有索具或承载枪炮的)桅盘;桅楼 11 (in pl. 用复数) esp. Bridge the two or three highest cards of a suit ()【桥牌】(一副牌中的)顶张 12 Brit. [] = TOP GEAR climbed the hill in top 全速爬山 13 = TOPSPIN adj. 1 highest in position 顶上的,顶端的,最上面的 the top shelf 最上面那层架子 2 highest in degree or importance 最重要的;最高级的;居首位的 at top speed 以最高速度; the top job 最重要的工作 v. tr. (topped, topping) 1 provide with a top, cap, etc. 盖上,盖住;给…加盖;给…涂上 cake topped with icing 表面涂了糖霜的蛋糕 2 remove the top of (a plant, fruit, etc.), esp. to improve growth, prepare for cooking, etc. (尤指为了植物更好地生长、为了水果备用等而)去顶,剪顶;除掉头尖 3 be higher or better than; surpass; be at the top of 居…之上;成为…之冠 topped the list 位居名单之首 4 slang [俚语]a execute esp. by hanging, kill (尤指)绞死,杀死 b (refl.) commit suicide 自杀 5 reach the top of (a hill etc.) 到达(山等)的顶端 6 Golf 【高尔夫球】a hit (a ball) above the centre (球的)上部 b make (a stroke) in this way ()打上旋球 at the top (or at the top of the tree) in the highest rank of a profession etc. (在同行业中)高居首位 come to the top win distinction 出名;取得成功 from top to toe from head to foot; completely 从头到脚,全身;完全 off the top of one's head see HEAD on top 1 in a superior position; above 占优势,在上面,在上方 2 on the upper part of the head 在头顶部 bald on top 秃顶的 on top of 1 fully in command of 完全控制(或掌握) 2 in close proximity to 紧接着;紧靠着 3 in addition to 除…之外() on top of the world colloq. exuberant []非常幸福;心满意足 over the top 1 esp. hist. over the parapet of a trench (and into battle); into action [尤史义]跨出战壕投入战斗;采取行动 2 (hyphenated when attrib. 作定语时加连字符) to excess, beyond reasonable limits; outrageous 超过限度的;过分的;极端无礼的 that joke was over the top 那个笑话过分了 top off (or up) put an end or the finishing touch to (a thing) (某事)作最后润饰 top out put the highest stone on (a building) (大楼)封顶 top one's part esp. Theatr. act or discharge one's part to perfection ()【戏】表演(或发挥)得淋漓尽致 top ten (or twenty etc.) the first ten (or twenty etc.) records in the charts (排行榜上)前十(或前二十等) top up 1a complete (an amount or number) 完成(数量或指标) b fill up (a glass or other partly full container) 装满(杯子或未满的容器) 2 top up something for (a person) (某人)斟满(某东西) may I top you up with sherry? 我可以给你斟满雪利酒吗? topmost adj.[Old English topp]




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