释义 |
catch/kætʃ/ v. & n.●v. (past and past part. caught /kɔ:t/) 1 tr.a lay hold of so as to restrain or prevent from escaping; capture in a trap, in one's hands, etc. 捉住,逮住;捕获,捕捉 b (also 亦作 catch hold of) get into one's hands so as to retain, operate, etc. 抓住,握住 caught hold of the handle 握住把手 2 tr. detect or surprise (a person, esp. in a wrongful or embarrassing act) 撞见;偶然发现(尤指发现某人正在做不正当或令人难堪的事) caught me in the act 我被当场抓住; caught him smoking 撞见他吸烟 3 tr.a intercept and hold (a moving thing) in the hands etc. 接住;截住,拦住 failed to catch the ball 没能接住那个球; a bowl to catch the drips 接滴水的碗 b Cricket dismiss (a batsman) by catching the ball before it reaches the ground 【板球】(空中接球从而)使击球员出局 4 tr.a contract (a disease) by infection or contagion 染上(疾病) b acquire (a quality or feeling) from another's example 感受,受…感染 caught her enthusiasm 被她的热情所感染 5 tr.a reach in time and board (a train, bus, etc.) 及时赶到,赶上(火车公共汽车等) b be in time to see etc. (a person or thing about to leave or finish) 看到,来得及看(正要离开的人或快要结束的事) if you hurry you'll catch them 如果快点,你还能看到他们; caught the end of the performance 来得及看演出的结尾 6 tr.a apprehend with the senses or the mind (esp. a thing occurring quickly or briefly) 听清楚,领会,理解(尤指短瞬间发生的事情) didn't catch what he said 没有听懂他的话 b (of an artist etc.) reproduce faithfully (艺术家等)忠实地再现;捕捉 7a intr. become fixed or entangled; be checked 缠住;钩住;锁住;拴住 the bolt began to catch 门闩能拴住了 b tr. cause to do this 被缠住;被钩住;被锁住;被拴住 caught her tights on a nail 她的连裤袜被钉子钩住了 c tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 on) hit, deal a blow to 打击,击中 caught him on the nose 击中了他的鼻子; caught his elbow on the table 他的胳膊肘撞在了桌子上 8 tr. draw the attention of; captivate 引起注意;吸引住,迷住 caught his eye 引起他的注意; caught her fancy 深受她的喜爱 9 intr. begin to burn 着火,开始燃烧 10 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 up) reach or overtake (a person etc. ahead) 追上,赶上(前面的人) 11 tr. check suddenly 突然制止(或中止) caught his breath 他屏住了气 12 tr. (foll. by 后跟 at) grasp or try to grasp 抓住,伸手去抓 ●n. 1a an act of catching 抓,捉 b Cricket a chance or act of catching the ball 【板球】接球机会;接球 2a an amount of a thing caught, esp. of fish 捕获物;(尤指鱼)捕获量 b a thing or person caught or worth catching, esp. in marriage 值得获得的人(或物);(尤指)值得看中的婚配对象 3a a question, trick, etc., intended to deceive, incriminate, etc. (故意骗人或使人上当的)圈套;诡计 b an unexpected or hidden difficulty or disadvantage 隐藏的困难,意想不到的不利条件 4 a device for fastening a door or window etc. 门闩;窗钩;拉手 5 Mus. a round, esp. with words arranged to produce a humorous effect 【音】(尤指歌词)产生滑稽效果的轮唱 □ catch at a straw see 见 STRAW □ catch one's death of cold see 见 DEATH □ catch fire see 见 FIRE □ catch it slang be punished or in trouble [俚语]陷入困境;受罚 □ catch on colloq. [口] 1 (of a practice, fashion, etc.) become popular (做法、时尚等)流行起来;受欢迎 2 (of a person) understand what is meant (指人)懂得,理解 □ catch out Brit. [英] 1 detect in a mistake etc. 发觉(某人)在犯错误 2 take unawares; cause to be bewildered or confused 使措手不及;使迷惑不解 3 = sense 3b of v. 动词释义 3b □ catch the sun 1 be in a sunny position 在明媚的阳光下 2 Brit. become sunburnt [英]晒黑;晒焦 □ catch up 1a (often foll. by 常后跟 with) reach a person etc. ahead 追上,赶上 he caught up in the end 他最后终于追上了; he caught us up 他追上了我们; he caught up with us 他追上了我们 b (often foll. by 常后跟 with, on) make up arrears (of work etc.) 赶完,弥补(耽搁下来的事情等) must catch up with my correspondence 必须补写我的信件 2 snatch or pick up hurriedly 急促地抓住;匆忙拾起 3 (often in passive 常用被动)a involve; entangle 被…缠住;被…卷入 caught up in suspicious dealings 卷入了可疑的行为 b fasten up 束住,挽起 hair caught up in a ribbon 用丝带把头发挽起 □ (you wouldn't) catch me! etc. (often foll. by 常后跟 pres. part.) colloq. you may be sure I etc. shall not [口]你不会再见到我做…;相信我绝不会再做… □ catchable adj.[Middle English from Anglo-French & Old Northern French cachier, Old French chacier, ultimately from Latin captare ‘try to catch’] |