释义 |
tip2/tip/ v. & n.●v. (tipped, tipping) 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 over, up)a intr. lean or slant 倾斜,倾侧 b tr. cause to do this 使倾斜,使倾侧 2 tr. (foll. by 后跟 into etc.)a overturn or cause to overbalance 翻倒;倾翻 was tipped into the pond 翻倒在池塘里 b empty the contents from (a container etc.) in this way (从容器里)倾倒,倾卸 c pour out (the contents of a container) in this way 倒出(容器里的东西) 3 tr. strike or touch lightly 轻击,轻碰 ●n. 1a a slight push or tilt 轻推;稍微倾斜 b a glancing stroke, esp. in baseball (尤指棒球中的)擦击,轻击 2 Brit. a place where material (esp. refuse) is tipped [英] (尤指垃圾)倾倒场 □ tip the balance make the critical difference 起决定性作用 □ tip one's hat (or cap) raise or touch one's hat or cap in greeting or acknowledgement (脱帽或触帽)打招呼或致意 □ tip off Basketball start play by throwing the ball up between two opponents 【篮球】(在双方两个队员之间把球向上抛以示比赛开始的)开球 □ tip the scales see 见 SCALE2[Middle English: origin uncertain] |