释义 |
□ tie up 1 bind or fasten securely with cord etc. 系紧,扎紧,拴牢 2 invest or reserve (capital etc.) so that it is not immediately available for use 使 ( 资金等 ) 搁死,使不能挪用 3 moor (a boat) 使 ( 船 ) 系泊,使 ( 船 ) 靠码头 4 secure (an animal) 拴牢 ( 动物 ) 使安全 5 obstruct; prevent from acting freely 妨碍;阻碍 6 secure or complete (an undertaking etc.) 完成 ( 任务等 ) 7 (often foll. by 常后跟 with ) = tie in 8 (usu. in passive 通常用被动 ) fully occupy (a person) 缠住,使 ( 人 ) 无法分身 ‣Main Entry: tie |