

单词 abstract
释义 abstractadj., v. & n.adj. /ˈæbstrækt/ 1a to do with or existing in thought rather than matter, or in theory rather than practice; not tangible or concrete 抽象的;纯理论的 abstract questions rarely concerned him 抽象的问题很少和他沾边 b (of a word, esp. a noun) denoting a quality or condition or intangible thing rather than a concrete object (词汇,尤指名词)非指具体物体的,抽象的 2 (of art) achieving its effect by grouping shapes and colours in satisfying patterns rather than by the recognizable representation of physical reality (美术上通过条块和色彩变化而非具体形象表达思想的)抽象的 v. /əbˈstrækt/ 1 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 from) take out of; extract; remove 摘要;提取,萃取;剔出 2a tr. summarize (an article, book, etc.) 概述,写出(文章、书等)要点 b intr. do this as an occupation 从事概述、摘要工作 3 tr. & refl. (often foll. by 常后跟 from) disengage (a person's attention etc.); distract 分散;岔开(某人的注意力等) 4 tr. (foll. by 后跟 from) consider abstractly or separately from something else 抽取或分离出来考虑 5 tr. euphem. steal []偷取,偷 n. /ˈæbstrækt/ 1 a summary or statement of the contents of a book etc. (书等的)摘要,概述 2 an abstract work of art 抽象艺术作品 3 an abstraction or abstract term 抽象;抽象名词 in the abstract in theory rather than in practice 理论上而非实际上的 abstractly /ˈæbstræktli/ adv. abstractor /əbˈstræktə/ n. (in sense 2 of v. 用于动词释义 2)[Middle English from Old French or Latin abstractus, past part. of abstrahere (as AB-, trahere ‘draw’)]




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