

单词 call
释义 call/kɔ:l/ v. & n.v. 1 intr.a (often foll. by 常后跟 out) cry, shout; speak loudly 呼喊,喊叫;大声说出 b (of a bird or animal) emit its characteristic note or cry (鸟兽)鸣,啼;吼 2 tr. communicate or converse with by telephone or radio 打电话给;(通过广播)交谈,谈话 3 tr.a bring to one's presence by calling; summon 传唤,招呼 will you call the children? 你把孩子们叫来好吗? b arrange for (a person or thing) to come or be present (某人)前来;安排(某物)前来 called a taxi 叫了一辆出租车 4 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 at, in, on) esp. Brit. pay a brief visit [尤英]进行简短的拜访 called at the house 到家里去拜访; called in to see you 到府上去看望你; come and call on me 来看看我 5 tr.a order to take place; fix a time for 召集,召开 called a meeting 召开会议 b direct to happen; announce 下令;宣布 call a halt 宣布停止 6a intr. require one's attention or consideration 要求(注意或考虑) duty calls 职责的召唤 b tr. urge, invite, nominate 鼓励;邀请;提名 call to the bar 给予律师资格 7 tr. name; describe as 取名为;把…说成 call her Della 叫她德拉 8 tr. consider; regard or estimate as 认为;看作;估计 I call that silly 我认为那样很愚蠢 9 tr. rouse from sleep 唤醒,叫醒 call me at eight o'clock 8 点钟把我叫醒 10 intr. guess the outcome of tossing a coin etc. 猜测(抛硬币等的)结果 11 intr. (foll. by 后跟 for) order, require, demand 命令;要求 called for silence 要求肃静 12 tr. (foll. by 后跟 over) read out (a list of names to determine those present) 点名 13 intr. (foll. by 后跟 on, upon) invoke; appeal to; request or require 恳求;号召;要求 called on us to be quiet 要求我们安静 14 tr. Cricket (of an umpire) disallow a ball from (a bowler) 【板球】(裁判员)判定进球无效 15 tr. Cards specify (a suit or contract) in bidding 【牌戏】叫(同花色的一组) 16 tr. Sc. drive (an animal, vehicle, etc.) [苏格兰](动物、车等) 17 tr. (in country dancing etc.) announce (the next figure or set of steps) by shouting rhythmically (乡村舞蹈等中有节奏地)喊出(舞步的指示) n. 1 a shout or cry; an act of calling 呼喊,喊叫 2a the characteristic cry of a bird or animal (鸟兽的)鸣叫声 b an imitation of this 模仿鸟兽的叫声 c an instrument for imitating it 模仿鸟兽叫声的乐器 3 a brief visit 短暂访问,拜访 paid them a call 拜访了他们 4a an act of telephoning 打电话 b a telephone conversation (一次)电话,通话 5a an invitation or summons to appear or be present 邀请;召集;召唤 b an appeal or invitation (from a specific source or discerned by a person's conscience etc.) to follow a certain profession, set of principles, etc. 呼吁;感召 6 (foll. by 后跟 for, or to + infin.) a duty, need, or occasion 职责;需要;必要 no call to be rude 没有必要粗鲁无礼; no call for violence 没有必要动武 7 (foll. by 后跟 for, on) a demand 要求;需求 not much call for it these days 现在不怎么需要它了; a call on one's time 需要某人花费时间 8 a signal on a bugle etc.; a signalling whistle 军号声;(发信号的)哨声 9 Stock Exch. an option of buying stock at a fixed price at a given date 【股】期权(指按规定价格在规定日期购买股票的权利) 10 Cards 【牌戏】a a player's right or turn to make a bid 叫牌权,吊牌权(或机会) b a bid made 叫牌,吊牌 11 (in country dancing etc.) a direction called to the dancers (乡村舞蹈等中的)舞步指示 at call = on call call away divert, distract 转移,分散(某人的注意力等) call a person's bluff see BLUFF1 call down 1 invoke 恳求,祈求 2 reprimand 申斥,斥责 call forth elicit 引起;使产生 call in tr. 1 withdraw from circulation (从流通中)收回 2 seek the advice or services of 召来;召去 call in (or into) question dispute; doubt the validity of 争论,争吵;怀疑…的正确性 call into play give scope for; make use of 提供机会;利用 call it a day see DAY call a person names abuse a person verbally 谩骂某人 call off 1 cancel (an arrangement etc.) 取消(安排等) 2 order (an attacker or pursuer) to desist 命令(进攻者或追击者)停止行动 call of nature a need to urinate or defecate 要小便(或大便)的感觉 call out 1 summon (troops etc.) to action 召集(部队等)行动 2 order (workers) to strike 下令(工人)罢工 call the shots (or tune) be in control; take the initiative 操纵,控制;定调子;采取主动,首先采取行动 call a spade a spade see SPADE1 call to account see ACCOUNT call to mind recollect; cause one to remember 回忆,回想起;使…记起 call to order 1 request to be orderly 要求保持秩序 2 declare (a meeting) open 宣布(会议)开幕 call up 1 reach by telephone 打电话给 2 imagine, recollect 想像;回忆 3 summon, esp. to serve in the army 召集;(尤指)征召…入伍 on call 1 (of a doctor etc.) available if required but not formally on duty (医生等)随叫随到的,听候召唤的 2 (of money lent) repayable on demand (借款)要求即付的,即期支付的 within call near enough to be summoned by calling 在附近(可听到呼唤的地方)[Old English ceallian from Old Norse kalla]




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