释义 |
buttress/ˈbʌtris/ n. & v.●n. 1a a projecting support of stone or brick etc. built against a wall (石或砖等的)扶壁,扶垛 b a source of help or encouragement 支柱;支持力量 she was a buttress to him in his trouble 在他遇到麻烦时,她是他的支柱 2 a projecting portion of a hill or mountain 山边扶壁状突出的部分 ●v. tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 up) 1 support with a buttress 以扶壁支持 2 support by argument etc. (用论点等)支持 claim buttressed by facts 要求以事实为依据[Middle English via Old French (ars) bouterez ‘thrusting (arch)’ from bouteret, from bouter BUTT1] |