释义 |
man/mæn/ n. & v.●n. (pl. men /men/) 1 an adult human male, esp. as distinct from a woman or boy (区别于妇女或儿童的成年)男子,男人 2a a human being; a person 人;任何人 no man is perfect 人无完人 b human beings in general; the human race (泛指)人;人类 man is mortal 人终有一死 3 a person showing characteristics associated with males 男子汉,大丈夫 she's more of a man than he is 她比他更像个男人 4a a usu. male worker or employee (通常指男)雇工,(男)雇员 the manager spoke to the men 经理对雇员们讲话 b esp. Brit. a manservant or valet [尤英]男佣;男仆 c hist. a vassal [史义]封臣 5a (usu. in pl. 通常用复数) soldiers, sailors, etc., esp. non-officers (尤指无官职的)士兵,水手 was in command of 200 men 指挥着 200 名士兵 b an individual, usu. male, person (通常指男性)个人 fought to the last man 战斗到最后一个人 c (usu. prec. by 通常前接 the, or poss. pron.) a person regarded as suitable or appropriate in some way; a person fulfilling requirements 最合适的人,最需要的人 I'm your man 我是你需要的人; not the man for the job 不适合做这项工作的人 6a a husband 丈夫 man and wife (结为)夫妇 b colloq. a boyfriend or lover [口]男朋友,情夫 7a a human being of a specified historical period or character 特定历史时期的人;某种性格的人 Renaissance man 文艺复兴时期的人 b a type of prehistoric human named after the place where the remains were found 根据发现地所命名的史前人 Peking man 北京猿人 8 any one of a set of pieces used in playing chess, draughts, etc. (国际象棋、跳棋等的)棋子 9 (as second element in comb. 用于复合词中作为第二个要素) a man of a specified nationality, profession, skill, etc. 具有(某籍贯、职业、技能等)的人 Dutchman 荷兰人; clergyman 牧师; horseman 骑手; gentleman 绅士 10a an expression of impatience etc. used in addressing a male (对男人不耐烦等的称呼语)喂 nonsense, man! 喂,你胡说 ! b colloq. a general mode of address [口] (一般称呼语)朋友,你 blew my mind, man! 喂,朋友,你真让我糊涂! 11 (prec. by 前接 a) a person; one 某人 what can a man do? 人能做什么呢 ? 12 a person pursued; an opponent etc. (被追捕的)人;对手(等) the police have so far not caught their man 警察至今未抓到要抓的人 13 (the Man) US slang [美] [俚语]a the police 警察 b black slang a person or group with power or authority [黑人俚语]头,上司,领导,老板 14 (in comb. 用于复合词) a ship of a specified type …船,…舰 merchantman 商船; Indiaman 大商船 ●v. tr. (manned, manning) 1 supply (a ship, fort, factory, etc.) with a person or people for work or defence etc. 给(船只、要塞、工厂等)配置人员(兵员等) 2 work or service or defend (a specified piece of equipment, a fortification, etc.) 担任(职务),工作在(岗位),防御(要塞) man the pumps 操作水泵 3 Naut. place men at (a part of a ship) 【海】为(船的某部位)配备水手 4 fill (a post or office) 使担任(职、位) 5 (usu. 通常作 refl.) fortify the spirits or courage of 增强勇气,振作精神 manned herself for the task 她振作精神去承担这一任务 □ as one man in unison; in agreement 全体地;一致地 □ be a man be courageous; not show fear 勇敢的,无畏的 □ be one's own man 1 be free to act; be independent 自主的,独立的 2 be in full possession of one's faculties etc. (因才能等)胸有成竹 □ man and boy from childhood 从小到大,从童年时代以来,整个一生 □ man enough sufficiently manly 够男子气概的 □ man to man with candour; honestly 坦率的,真诚的 □ men's (or men's room) a usu. public lavatory for men (通常公共的)男厕所 □ my (or my good) man a patronizing mode of address to a man (含优越感地对其他男人的称呼方式)喂;我的好人 □ separate (or sort out) the men from the boys colloq. find those who are truly manly, competent, etc. [口]找出真正有魄力(成熟、能干等)的人 □ to a man all without exception 无例外地,一致地 □ manless adj.[Old English man(n), pl. menn, mannian, from Germanic] |